Thursday, May 19, 2011

What was I thinking?

I ask myself this EVERY morning at 6:30 as I am getting ready for another day of torture, I mean Summer school. haha. Don't get me wrong I love one of the classes, British Empire (I could study British history any day and it doesn't hurt that the professor is hot and funny).  But I am exhuasted, more then I was all this past spring semester.  But each class is two and half hours long, we only get a 10 minute break, and I leave starving (the classes are back to back from 8:00-1:30).  I literally went home yesterday, took a shower, and fell asleep till 5:00. And I am not a napper. But with all this exhaustion I have had a lot on my mind lately.  I am thinking about making some changes in my life.  Josh and I have talked about it and he of course backs anything I do (for the most part, apparently he disagrees with my TPing people's yards, who knew?). So just say a prayer that I make the right choices and pray that I find some energy.  I have been taking vitamins but I may have to take an extra B12 or Iron vitamin.  (yea I am anemic too, that is what happens when you don't eat meat, make your babies eat meat!!). Hopefully I can get everything worked and it is for the best.

Well I am off to write a paper..this is an improvement on my time management because it is not due till next week!


  1. Thank you, I hope everything gets better with your situation as well!

  2. Good Luck! Hope everything works out! I know how being anemic feels...I have it too.
