Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's a Thug Story

First, I would like to ask my blog family to say a prayer for mine and Josh's family.  My aunt is having a liver biopsy tomorrow morning.  She has autoimmune liver disease.  She is extremely upset, and I feel horrible for her.  Josh's mammaw is also having surgery.  We think that she may have ovarian cancer.  Josh is beyond upset.  Both of his grandfathers died of cancer in high school, so he is really scared. So please say a prayer for our families.

Second, I love music! And I don't think you understand how much.  I have a hard time expressing my feelings, but I find that it is easier to convey how I feel through music. Okay, Okay, I totally can't write music, or sing, or play an instrument, but that is really beside the point!! I have Taylor Swift to do all that for me.  I truly love her music.  I do not care who you are or what type of music you like, anyone at any age can relate to her music.  I can honestly go through each of her albums and tell you what each song means to me. Since that would bore you to death, I will just list a few of the songs that really mean something to me.

  • A Place In This World-This song reminds me of how I was when I graduated from high school.  I had no idea what I wanted or where I was going.  I was just attempting to find out who I truly was.
  • Back to December-This song almost makes me cry. It takes me back to when Josh and I were attempting to work things out, and I was never for sure if I would be able to have him back in my life.  I wish that I could go back to our senior year and find a way for us to not break-up.
  • Change-I think this has applied to must of my life, especially right now.  I feel as though I am constantly changing and everything around me is changing. 
  • You Belong With Me-How I felt anytime Josh was dating someone else other than me..especially one in particular! lol
  • Dear John-Ugh, every time I hear this song I think about how one guy COMPLETELY screwed me over! I should have listen to my mom and my friends, but I was going through a phase.  I learned that you cannot change people and that there are just some things you should wait to do.
  • Mean-This applies to every person who has ever been to me or my friends...I just do not understand how some people can be so mean! I feel like I get fooled a lot by people and it really sucks. But I know that one day, these people will get their pay back.
  • White Horse-This applies to the guy that screwed me over in college.  This was the first time that I had truly trusted a guy and let him in since Josh, only to find out that he had been lying to me from the beginning and cheating on me.  It broke my heart, and for a moment I was scared that I would never find the person I truly belonged with.  In the end it showed me that Josh was the one person who I needed/wanted in my life.
  • The Way I Loved You-Oh the tangle webs we weave.  Before Josh and I got back together I was seeing a guy.  He was a really sweet guy who would have given me the world.  There was one problem, which you can probably guess..I was still in love with Josh.  No matter how great this guy was to me, I still loved the fights with Josh with more.  The day that I had to tell this guy that Josh and I were getting back together bout broke my heart.  He was really nice about and he understood, which made it harder.  But to quote my favorite line I would rather fight with Josh, then make love with anyone else.
  • The Best Day-I always talk about my daddy and rarely talk about my mom.  But this song is so our song.  She is one of my best friends and I love and appreciate her so much. I never realized how much I needed her until I moved off to college. Now I cry thinking about leaving her again.
  • Mine-Of course, mine and Josh's song.  I love Josh SOO much and there are so many times that I am scared that he will leave. But he always tells me he is not going anywhere.  There is also a couple of key lines. 1. He made a rebel of careless man's careful daughter, this is true.  He has really helped me to come out of my comfort zone and really experience life. 2. You learn my secrets and you figure out why I'm guarded. You say we'll never make my parents mistakes, This means so much to me. It took me forever to finally admit all of my secrets to Josh.  After learning why I had such horrible trust issues, he promised me that he would do everything in his power to keep us from doing the same thing that our parents did.
So when I had no one else in my life, when I felt like everyone had abandoned me or no one understood what I was going through, Taylor did.  If I could meet her I would tell her how thankful I am for her music and how it has blessed my life. So if any of you have an artist or song that relates to your life, please let me know! I love to hear how songs are the soundtrack to one's life!

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