Friday, May 13, 2011

I am NOT dying!

Okay that was a bit dramatic.  I knew I wasn't dying.  But I thought something was seriously wrong with me.  I mean I haven't had a period in like four months (no I am NOT pregnant). But tt seems like every time I go to a doctor the give me bad news, I mean I was diagnosed with thyroid problems when I was only seven (you usually do not get diagnosed till you are closer to 20).  Apparently I was just over dramatic this time. Go figure.  I went to a knew Gyno today, and I loved her! She told me it was common to skip periods on the medicine I was on, Camilla, which has NO estrogen.  Which means I am not menopausal...see over dramatic.  But I told her that even if I wasn't menopausal I hated the medicine since it made my face breakout. So she was nice enough to switch me to Lo-loestrin.  I am pretty pumped about it!  She also gave me a 3 month supply for. Yay! So if anyone is looking for a new doctor, try  North Georgia's Women Center.  They are really really nice.

I also bought me some new glasses!  The ones that  I have now are like 6 years old and are so not the right prescription, which means I have been driving around blind.  Yea so not safe.

So overall I have had a pretty productive day, and it is only 1:00!! Woot woo!


  1. Soooo I don't want to be the downer to your good day but you better check on the price of the new birth control. I was on Loestrin and they jacked the price up to $60 a month!! Hope yours isnt that way.

  2. Sherika you completely crack me up. I am glad that you are not dying and that everything is going okay with you. I am on loestrin and I like it a lot. However I am fixing to go have mine changed to a different prescription because I am having to pay $45 a month for it and I would like to find a BC that has a generic so I dont have to pay that much for it. I love my gyno too. She is so nice and everytime I go in she gives me like 4 months supply of my BC. lol

  3. Honestly Amy I could careless the price bc what I was on SUCKED! And if this helps me I will be fine. lol. And Jessica try something like Yas or Yasmin, they came in generic and I only paid like ten dollars. Who are you going to now?

  4. I'm on LoEstrin too and I LOVE it! I'm not crazy at all--a big step up from Yaz (which I DONT recommend, more on that later). LoEstrin has made my boobs grow like crazy though, just an FYI on that...seriously small C to full D in like 3 months. My wedding dress almost didn't fit because of it. Hubby is appreciative, but I'm not as big of a fan. LoEstrin is expensive (mine's like $71 a month) but totally worth it. They also have discount cards which may work with your insurance, you should call & ask your new OBGYN about that. They bring it down to $24 on some insurance plans.

    Yaz made me have mood swings that were beyond terrible and completely zapped my sex drive. Everybody I've talked to has had the same sex drive issue, so I don't recommend that!

    Haha longest birth control blog comment ever!

  5. I would love for my boobs to get bigger! They did with Yaz. I never had crazy mood swings with Yaz, but I was put on a BC that had twisce the estrogen in it than Yaz, and that did make me crazy! I really hope that I like Lo-Loestrin. And they did give me a discount coupon so I hope that helps!
