Monday, May 2, 2011

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.

I have been up six since this morning. I have been studying for the past 13 hours for a final in class where the teacher hates me.  I have had a headache for the past 24 hours thanks to sleeping in my grandparents bed.  I am EXTREMELY hormonal  thinks to the crazy birth control pills that I have been put (that is SO getting fixed next Friday, before I truly bite someone's head off, and sorry yall probably did not want to know that), so its an understatement to say that I am in the worst possible mood. Which means the smallest things are annoying.  But there is one that has really drove me insane today: copycats/fake people! I cannot stand to see other people who pretend to be themselves, but their so-called life is really a replica of someone else's...really people? I thought that once I graduated high school I would not have to deal with or see people doing that.  I mean it is something that teenage girls do, not grown women who are ready to be an adult and start their lives.  I think that if you are an adult than maybe you should have your own life and stop pretending to be someone your not.  You should be proud of you are, even if you have made mistakes.  You should be honest with EVERYONEin your life, and STOP pretending to be someone else or acting as if you are perfect!  Just because you do not like what you have done in your life does not mean that you can just pretend it did not happen. Also why try to be someone else? They already have a life, let them live it! It is extremely immature, and do not even get me started on immature people.  I was over them last month when I had to deal with a immature girl at a friends birthday party.

Now I will attempt to calm down long enough to study for another 2 hours.


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Is the immature girl the one we ALL had to deal with at the party? Because if so, I just laughed e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.

  2. bahaha yes I was refering to her! Josh had to hang out with them on Sunday and he said she did the same thing! Apparently she made comments to her fiance that we were immature..really? Well we probably were not the most grown-up people that night, but we had a dang good excuse not to be! haha

  3. WORD. We had fun... did she?!? ....... *crickets*.... Exactly!

  4. R.I.P. Stafford. Yes, I just called her out on a blog. WHAT IS SHE GONNA DO ABOUT IT? Answer: not nothing. Her specialty is sitting in the corner and pouting.

    PS I <3 you, Sherika.

  5. bahahaha you totally just made my day with that!
