Thursday, May 12, 2011

The things one can learn...

So after spending all day Tuesday and Wednesday with my Monkey boys I realize how much you can  teach a six and seven year old and how much a six and seven year old can teach you.  But I was more amazed with what they were able to teach me in the small amount of time that I spent with them:

  • Home Schooling can be kind of fun
  • If you are a family member than you can't be best friend...
  • If Noah says than it HAS to be questions asked.
  • Matthew has to win at EVERYTHING
  • If they asked for you to sleep with them to they fall asleep, they really mean "Lets talk until you fall asleep and then we will sneak out of the room." Yes I fall for it every time.
  • When Noah wakes up, every has to wake up.  So much for sleeping in the one day I get off.
  • Going to the Vet is the coolest thing in the world, didn't understand this one.
  • Children can be entertained for hours by only using a water hose and a sprinkler. I will post a video of this later. I am at work and it won't let me post it :(
  • A child can become quick in as little as an hour.  We thought Noah was just pretending to be sick to get out of school, so we went to the movies any way.  When we got out he was running a fever.
  • It breaks my heart to see one of my babies sick.
  • Children are the greatest gifts in this world.

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