Sunday, May 22, 2011

The best job a woman can have is being a wife and a mother

This is saying that you will hear me say OFTEN! And I truly do mean it.  Yes I do plan on having a job outside of the house, but no matter how hard being a mom/wife will be, I will love doing that first.  I know that y'all are probably wondering if I am so ready to be a wife and mom then why I am waiting.  Well I will gladly answer that.  First, we promised my dad that we wouldn't get married until I graduate.  Thanks to me switching majors (twice) and switching school, I have been put a year behind..  Trust me this sucks.  And there are days that I literally lay down and cry because I am so sick of it.  I know that y'all who are married are like dude it is not that big of deal and it is more stressful, but I just hate college and would give anything to be able to start the rest of my life.  I love Josh so much, and I enjoy spending every minute with him.  I hate leaving him and Sophie at night.  I actually fell like a horrible mom for leaving them.  But I know that one day it will pay off and that is what keeps me motivated.
So why do I want to wait to  have kids.  Well one day Josh and I were having this discussion and this is what I said without realizing it: "Josh I really want to spend at least one year with you where it is just you and me.  I want to spend time with you without anyone else." As soon as those words came out of my mouth, I realized how selfish it was! And that is the moment that I realized that I needed to get that selfishness out of me BEFORE I stop birthing babies.  For some odd reason I truly just want to spend some time with him, I really just want one vacation with him without a child.  And all this made me realize that although I love kids, and cannot wait to be a mom, maybe I do need to wait at least one year after we are married to have them.
I keep praying to God, and I know that when it is time for me to have children, then I will have them.  He has answered my prayers before, and I know that he will do it agian. So until then, I guess that I will just have to spoil and love any child that I meet along the way (really wish I had nieces or nephews, Jordan can you have babies please?)


  1. Well.... I hate to break it to you, but Corey and I have a deal that we have to be married at least 1 year before we have babies too! haha. so you will probably have them before me!

  2. You can be Aunt Ree Ree to my kids when we have them... maybe it won't be to long ll

  3. haha okay! I may come steal them
