Saturday, May 7, 2011

I had the best day with you.

Today has been a BUSY day! We through Granny a surprise birthday party.  This was the first birthday party that she has EVER had.  Yes she has been reminding me for the past 22 years that she has not had a birthday party, after today we told her that she was NEVER allowed to say that again. But she deserved it.  The highlight of the party, or at least to me, was when my five year old cousin walked up to me and said "Sherika you are beautiful!" I then realized I need to have kid following me around telling me this daily!  After we left, Josh and I went to Buffalo Wild Wings.  We are obsessed with it.  While hiking up a hill back to our truck I learned a few things.  One, I found a place to steal hydrangeas for my wedding next July, and if I plan on stealing them I will so be willing to do it after a trip to BWW. Two, there are some really big hills in downtown Chattanooga! Where the hell did they come from? Third, don't go to BWW when Chattanooga is having there Kentucky Derby because you will have to hike up one of those random hills...but seriously, have they always been there?

Anyways, Josh and I managed to have a conversation about children, something that I probably should not have done while at BWW, but we did.  And I still remember so that is a good thing. LOL.  If I can get a job when I graduated and then we finish Joshua's car he said that we can have kids ASAP.  This caused me to almost fall out of the booth (okay maybe something else caused me to almost fall out of the booth).  That is all I have to do? Is get the car finished? We can do this! And if you are wondering why this car is so important, well it is the only thing that Josh has left from his grandpa that died when he was 15.  It is a 73 Camaro and he promised him that he would restore it. We are finishing the interior this summer, so that just leaves the paint.  I wouldn't agree to this, but I know how much this car means to him. And it is the one thing that I could just never dream of taking away from him.  So we are saving up the money to get this thing done! (plus it is suppose to be our get away car at the wedding).

Lastly, I want to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day.  I am spending the day with momma tomorrow and taking her shopping and to eat.  I also have two wonderful aunts who, at some point, I will visit because they are like moms to me.  So happy mother's day Lindsey, and Tabitha happy FIRST mother's day (wait do you start counting after the baby is born?)


  1. Nah, I counted today :) I mean he/she is alive, so I'm technically a mother. Thanks girl. And happy mother's day to you, too! Sophie sorta counts lol

  2. Thank you! And hopefully you won't have to wait TOO many more! :)

  3. Nah Josh wouldn't let me count her, I asked. And yes maybe I won't have to wait TOO much longer!

  4. Hey, Jason knows some guy that does really good paint jobs, and its not all that expensive (from what he says, because I sure as heck wouldn't know what a good price is lol) SOOOO if you want me to talk to him about it I will. That way you can get started on baby making soon!!

  5. I will tell Josh about it! We won't be able to do the paint part until next year because we are doing the interior this year. But as soon as we get ready to I will tell him to give that guy a call. He had it painted once, but the person who did it did a shitty job. Like the paint is coming off of it!
