Saturday, May 7, 2011

But I really hate her, I'll think of a reason later

First: Josh and I went to see Thor with Ed and Tabitha, and Tabitha is right, she does have a belly! But it is so freakin cute and there for a minute I was that person going to rub her belly, but I refrained because when I become pregnant I am asking that no one rub the belly...I am a touch me not! Haha. But Tabitha is definitely one of those pretty pregnant people!

Second: A friend came to visit me yesterday at work, just to kill some time.  And we were just talking about immature people can be.  We have a friend, lets call him "Zander" who has the most immature fiance in the world. Like bad.  When we all hang out she pretty much stays stuck up his rear end and does not speak.  And trust me, I have tried being nice to her.  But she told Zander that she just doesn't like me and one of the other girls.  And this kind of made me mad, because I have tried to be nice to said girl, and the other girl she doesn't like she has literally met THREE times! Please get off your high horse and at least attempt to be nice for your fiance sake, because we really like Zander.

Third: When said friend came to visit me we also talked about how girls seem to just have to hate people.  And I realized, this is how I was in high school.  Like there were people in high school who I hate just because. Most of the time I did not even have a reason.  And trust me some of these people did NOT deserve how I treated them.  And said friend reminded me how me and two other girls were, um mean, to one specific girl. And I felt bad when he told me that she has never said anything bad about me, she probably deserves too. This friend also noted that he was surprised that of the three of us that I was the one who was mature enough to get over it. And I agree with him! Tori was always the mature one. But it just shows how people can change. And I truly have change.  I think I was "mean" to a lot of people just because I had horrible trust issues.  But I have learned to look past that. I have learned that I should really get to know someone before I decide to hate or like them.  So here is me extending the olive branch, and something that you want hear from a lot, I am truly sorry for all of the people that I have judged and treated.  I am changing more and more each day and I look forward to new friendships, even with people that I once I hated. 

Fourth: Okay I am sorry but there are still going to people that I hate. Maybe I haven't changed that much.  But the list is a lot shorter.  I am a extremely loyal person, to a fault.  So if have ever hurt someone I love, like my bubby or my parents, more than likely I will never like you, and I am sorry for this.  Also if you have ever dated Josh Dover (minus one person) I am sorry but I just won't like you either. Especially if you dated/hooked up with him while we were apart. Sorry about it, but I am crazy jealous FIANCE! And one of these people I would probably run over if it wasn't illegal. But oh well...maybe one day I will get over this too. Small steps people!

I am also stunned how insightful one person can be, Ed I didn't know you had it in you? But thank you! You and Tabitha are going to make wonderful parents.  And Lindsey will probably buy your baby everything he/she wants!  He/She is going to be the most spoiled, but beautiful child....well until mine come along..if I ever have any LOL!


  1. 1- "Zander"'s fiance has met the other girl TWICE, not three times... But if she REALLY wants a reason to hate, I'm sure the girl can give her one!

    2- Life is too short to harbor stupid grudges. Olive branch accepted. :)

    3- We ALL have people we aren't ever going to like. (Tab and I are PRIME examples) I've learned this is okay as long as it doesn't consume you!

    4- Ed is insightful?!? Since when!? Haha j/k.

    5- Yes that baby will be SPOILED ROTTEN but that's okay because Tab spoils Greenleigh and Skyler!!

  2. 1-Screw Kristina. (Let's be honest, she already hates us so why not?)

    2-I'm not prejudiced...I hate on people equally. j/k

    3-Ed's pretty cool...for a white guy.

    4-to L's 5, yes ma'm! :))

  3. Ok, so I have met the girl too. She doesnt seem to like me either. But oh well, who cares :)
