Friday, May 27, 2011

The Adventures of Josh and Sherika

I need to tell yall about the two moments that Joshua and I had last night:

I have been complaining for the past two days on how my knee has been hurting. Last night I was lying on the futon and asked Josh if he could get me some ice.  He was playing a video game so I could tell he was barely paying attention to me.  I started making comments about how he is suppose to love me in sickness and health. And he was like "Yea, yea I do"  I went on to make comments like oh I am not sick enough or do we just have to wait till we actually say the vows.  Moment #1: Joshua grabs my glass of tea. I say "hey what are you doing with my tea?" Wait for it...Josh's reply "I am going to get you ice." Okay so I think that this is honest mistake..knee, tea..kind of sound the same, right? But then I am just kind of like why would my tea be hurting? But oh well..

Now we arrive at moment number #2:
Homeboy walks back into the kitchen, gets the ice tray out of the freezer, and brings me the damn ice tray...
The look on my face must have said it all, because as God as my witness he goes "What? Was I suppose to put it in a bag?"

Bless him!



  2. hahahaha too freaking funny! I love it!

  3. Yall what am i going to do with him?

  4. haha you are going to laugh for the rest of your life at him!!! There's no changing him, I'm sure! hahaha this cracks me up!

  5. Nope there is no changing him..I guess we will have few dull moments
