Sunday, May 15, 2011

ER and Time Management

Last night my family and I had a scare.  We knew that my cousin Noah had been sick, I was the one who first noticed it but we assumed it was just a stomach bug.  Then last night I was giving him some ginger ale when he grabbed his right side and fell to the floor screaming in pain.  Now if you didn't know, your appendix is on your right side.  So the fact that he had been sick for three days and is now holding his right side made my aunt and I think that this might be more than just a bug.  Noah and Matt Matt's dad is and ER doctor in Ohio, so we called him.  He told my aunt to take him Erlanger, but since my other uncle was working at Murray and we knew the doctor on call we decided to take him there (yes I have family full of hospital workers).  At least they could tell us what was wrong and if it was his appendix they could transport him to Erlanger.  Noah begged me to go with him, and of course I could not tell him no.  Plus since his dad was in Ohio my aunt really wanted me to go.  If you are wondering how you can tell when a seven year old is truly sick, well it was really hard.  But there was just a pleading look in his eyes that said, "Help me please!" It was also hard to explain to him that he was going to have his blood drawn.  This child has only had his booster shots and never had antibiotics.   But he was a trooper and only said, "Ouch."  And the hardest part for me was when he said, "Sissy am I going to be okay?" And even though I had no idea what was wrong, I had to be strong enough to tell him that he was fine. I laid in the bed with him and held him to make him feel safe.  It ended up that his bug had just gone to the extreme.  I want to say thank-you to the staff at Murray County Hospital who really helped his visit there be comfortable. 

So now this whole time management thing.  I am awful at it...bottom line.  I spend so much time with school that I rarely get to have fun any more.  And I never have time for just me.   Which makes me feel really bad because poor Josh has to sit at home too.  So I have decided that my goal this year is to find a way to make good grades in school and still have a life.  I have been using a planner to keep track of everything and it has helped a lot, so I am going to keep doing that.  I was also looking forward to going to Jasper with Tabitha and Ed, but since I was at the hospital I was too tired to go.  Which is another part of my goal.  I plan to find some way to have more energy and stop letting my hypothyroidism control my life.  It is not a serious health problem, but it makes me extremely tired and if I don't get enough sleep I end up sick or in a bitchy mood.  So hopefully I will be able to do all of this, because I miss having a life, and I really hate school for keeping me away from everybody


  1. Oh, girl... It never gets better as far as getting a life goes, ESPECIALLY once you get married or have kids! You just have to take what you can get as it comes!
    And you didn't miss out on Jasper, the weather ended up being disgusting. Next weekend is the big cookout though!

  2. I guess I mean just spending time doing anything other then school. Here lately all I do is go to school, work, come home, do homework, and then go to bed. I rarely see anyone out side of mom and Zachary. And I have to plan time to see Josh or anyone is really annoying
