Thursday, May 26, 2011


Worst Thursday ever...and is not even the fact that I had a bad day. I am just in one of those moods where you aren't too happy but don't know why.  Actually I am kind of annoyed (Jordan I just left a long rant on your last blog because it went along with why I am annoyed..sorry).

But I plan on going to rent a movie (at that Blockbuster thingy by bi-lo, it is kind of like a red box. If you haven't used it you should), take a hot shower, cook steaks with Josh (actually I will do all the cooking), and go to bed early. Yes, I know that sounds like a very interesting night, but that is how we do it at the Dover/England household.

I feel as though this has been the LONGEST/craziest week ever! Josh is going out of town tomorrow, so I will have the house to myself and I plan on getting ahead on homework and studying for midterms. I feel like I need a calm, relaxing weekend.


1 comment:

  1. Aww. I am sorry that Thursday was bad! :( Hey, we call it early nights too! lol. And is it seriously already midterms?????????? GEEZ!
