Friday, May 20, 2011

Really People?

Okay so I have come to the conclusion that the world is going downhill, FAST! I am some one who is loyal to a freaking fault. Just ask Jordan or Josh. They have seen be treated like crap by people and I still choose to be in their life and try to be the better person.  So it really makes me mad when I see people being crappy friends!So this is a blog to all the people who have been crappy friends and get mad when the friend you have treated like crap finally stands up to you.  Really people? R.E.A.L.L.Y! You wonder why someone never talks to you any more? You wonder why people ask for their money back that they loaned you or money that they used to help out your child? Well it is because you used and abused them! And they finally had enough! Shame on you! Everyone has a breaking point, and when you forget that someone is joining the marines, or tell someone they are a bad mom (which I think is the lowest thing anyone can say! I am sorry but that is a low blow, don't talk about some one's children or about them being a bad mom). Within two days I have seen people deeply upset because a friend has treated them bad, and if I knew you or ran into you I would say, "How Dare You!?!" Drama was meant to stay in high school.  You know one day you are going to need a friend and you will turn around and NO ONE will be there..this is because you SUCKED at being a friend, and everyone is done with you!

Crappy friendship is a touchy subject with me, but it really annoys me that people have forgotten that being a friend is a FULL time job and one that you should not take advantage of. So for all of you have been treated badly by someone, I am sorry. For all of you who has been an amazing friend, I am proud of you! For all of you who have been a crappy friend, YOU SUCK!