Friday, May 6, 2011

Studying....I think NOT!

Well at least not for another week and half.  Then I will start dreaded Summer classes. I have never taking Summer classes, so we will just see how this goes.

But for the next week this is what I plan on doing:
  1. Spend lots of time with Noah and Matt Matt
  2. Read
  3. Throw my granny a surprise 70th birthday party
  4. Read
  5. Help with dad and Rhonda's wedding
  6. Find a dress to wear at the above wedding
  7. Read
  8. Start working on my wedding
  9. Probably go to a Rome Braves game
  10. Oh and did I mention READ!!!!
Yes I love to read and at the moment debating what I want to read.  It is between re-reading the Harry Potter series for the 100th time, The Other Boleyn Girl, or Wuthering Heights....hmmmm choices choices


  1. Aww sounds like you have some fun things to do girl! When is your dad getting married? I know you must be really excited about that! Me and Chris are going to go to a Rome Braves game as well! Gotta love baseball!

  2. They are getting married next saturday and Josh and I are thinking about going to the game that same night lol I am trying to get as much in in one week as I can

  3. Aww that will be a great day girl! I am happy for you and your family! Yeah, you have a busy summer with all those classes you have to take. I dont blame you for trying to get as much done in that short period of time! Maybe we can get together soon and catch up!

  4. The other boelyn girl! I'm telling you! I read all of those books.

  5. Tab got The Other Boelyn girl on referral from Yours Truly. It is an amazing book. When you're done with it, read The Boelyn Inheritance. They're awesome.

    And PS, I love the new font!

  6. I already read the both of those lol actually everything on the list I have read. I am refusing to start a new series until I graduate. But as soon as I do, I plan on reading all of Philippa Gregory's books. So I decided to read Harry Potter again just because I want re-read the last one before the last movie comes out/

  7. ahhh. all awesome books!
    P.S. Where is everyone getting all these cute fonts?????????????????????????

  8. Jordan if you want any of these books to read you are more than welcome to borrow mine!
