Monday, May 2, 2011

Blah Blah Blah

Yep that is pretty much how I feel, finals have kicked my rearend.

But anyways there is some good news in the world: Osama Bin Laden is said to be dead.  Pray that he actually is and that the U.S has finally destroyed the man responsible for 9/11.  This made me think about all of the wonderful men and women who serve in our armed forces.  I am sucker for anything related to military.  It breaks my heart that some many people do not celebrate or give thanks to the men and women who are currently in the armed forces or veterns.  I know that not everyone agrees with the missions that our military is sent to do, but remember that they do NOT have a choice on where they go once they are in the military.  It is their job, and like you or I they have to do what they are told.  So even if you do not support the wars, at least support the troops and pray for them.  Without them we would not be safe or free.  Also remember that veterns to do not have any easy life.  So many of them live from pay check to pay check, and have outrageous medical bills.  The U.S is also slowly losing their WWII veterens.  There is only close to 3 million left.  So if you know anyone who fought in this war, please take the time to tell them thanks and ask for their stories so that you may be able to pass onto the future of America.  Can you tell that I am going to be a history teacher?

I would also like to ask for everyone to say a prayer for all the victims of the tornadoes.  I am so glad that our community is coming together to help the people who were affected.  There is still several people without power, water, a house, a job, and I even heard that one county has ran out of baby food! So please say a prayer and if  you know of any way to help please do.

One last thing that is on a lighter note: does anyone know of a good place to buy a sofa? Josh and I are really wanting a sectional to put in our house, the futon is getting old FAST!


  1. I got a sectional at Factory Direct Furniture (up in Chattanooga by the Rave) for a REALLY good price. They're open Fri Sat Sun Mon and you have to pick it up yourself, but it's worth it!

  2. Thanks! We will have to check it out. We are in desperate need of new furniture.
