Wednesday, June 29, 2011

You know you are girl when....

Your entire body hurts because, yes, mother nature is about to hit.  My body is in shock because I have not dealt with this this in like seven months. But alas, it is happening.  I am in the worse mood, I almost told two guys off in class today because they were arguing with each other and destroying my concentration...and one of them is actually my friend.  I am totally having a long talk with Eve when I get to where I am going.

Anyways. I decided to attempt to buy a new outfit for this weekend.  This led me to two conclusions.
1.  When Mother Nature is about to strike, you feel as if you look fat in EVERYTHING.  Eventually a gave up. 
2. There is NOTHING at the Dalton Mall.  Which really ticks me off.  Everyone complains about how no one shops in Dalton, which means that Dalton cannot make money.  Hello there is nothing to buy!! I am sorry but the group you are catering to do not have the money to buy expensive clothes so why not cater to the people who will actually buy things? Yes I know that every single one of you is like "Wow, Sherika you are being really vocal on your feelings."  Yes, yes I am because I am just not in the best mood...which means I probably should not be writing a blog, but oh well.  You know that you are secretly thinking the same thing.

This weekend can not get here soon enough. Any of you who I will see this weekend, I promise to be in the best mood possible.  I love 4th of July and cannot wait to see the fireworks!

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