Monday, June 27, 2011

You're the loves of her life, and a guy would be lucky to come in fourth.

I am not about to go into to detail the meaning of "true" friendship. However I am about to be a bit over dramatic (surprise surprise). This blog will be more of letting you in to some inside jokes...okay half of yall have helped me with them today, BUT I have put them all together to make a really over dramatic scenario that will never happen, but it is freaking hilarious. 

First: Jordan and I totally had this conversation over her getting an iPhone 4.
Me: dude! we will be like twins and can play word and face chat...we are gonna be the two coolest ppl E.V.E.R! haha jk but it was kinda funny to be that over dramatic and to know that sadly it is true
Jordan: haha... YES! I can't twinsies! Bahaha... Um. We already are the coolest people EVER. Um.. We are overdramatic.
Second is a bunch of different conversations that revolve around the same thing. I am leaving names makes it more interesting...over dramatic much?
Me: Since when are they friends? Why is that everyone I hate are friends...OMG they are plotting against me! IT'S A CONSPIRACY THEORY!!!!
Five Minutes later...OMG they are going to the same place that we are going! I told YOU it was a conspiracy theory!
Me: I don't think I want to do that this weekend (insert name) is going to be there and I am not in the mood to deal with her
Friend: Shut the f**k up! We are totally facebook stalking her right now!
Me: Yea we aren't going, (insert name) is going to be there.
Friend: You know what I don't really like her.  I don't really know her, but I dare her to say a WORD to me about you and I will let her have it!  Also I am talking to my brother about him hanging out with her, does that make me crazy?
Me: Dude I am crazy ex-girlfriend...wait I meant crazy girlfriend.
This led to me creating an outrageous scenario that I just told Jordan about. So if it does happen (which I doubt it will) please capture it on my iPhone and send it to Jordan's new iPhone:
Just picture it, a future teacher, a pregnant teacher, a mother of two, and an insurance agent are all at a bar watching a band.  They get a little too drunk (minus the pregnant teacher...who does not drink, because, well she is pregnant) insert name here girl is of course at the same bar because it is a CONSPIRACY THEORY.  Insert name here girl smarts off to these beautiful ladies. And a bar brawl breaks out. Yes even the pregnant teacher gets involved because of course she is hormonal and doesn't really like insert name here girl.  These girls of course whip insert name here girl's butt...
This is so a story for the Chatsworth Time come Sunday morning! And it would only happen in Murray County on the Fourth of July weekend.  BAHAHAHA this is why these girls are my friends and even though this will not happen it is still funny.


  1. I'd actually like to see that. lol I'm sure it's someone I know since I know pregnant girl....hmmmm? haha sorry I'm obsessed with blogs! yours is great by the way.:)

  2. Haha thank you!! You may not know the girl because she is younger then all of us, but you may have heard of her lol

  3. Love it!!! hahaha Jason works this weekend so I can just picture the look on his face with all of us rolling in to the jail!! haha

    - side note: Chatsworth Times is a Wed. paper not Sunday :)

  4. wow! That could totally be added in, it is like an act two plot twist haha

    and it needs to come out on Sunday! They would make more money.

  5. bahahahahahahahaha... um. I am going to have to come said band event to partcipate in this butt whooping, so that we can add future nurse into that event! BAHAHA!

  6. Jordan we will need you to bail is out lol

  7. hmmm wonder which one I am? bahaha

  8. Def not the pregnant teacher lol
