Thursday, June 9, 2011

Don't Imply things

I have come to realize that maybe I have offended some people through my blog.  This has NEVER been my intention, and I am actually having trouble writing this because I said from the beginning that I was hear to speak my mind. 

Everything in my blogs are true...completely.  They are also from the heart.  If I did not 100% agree with what I was saying then I would not have wrote it. 

So here is the deal.  One, if you are truly here to read my blog to know about what I am thinking and what is happening in my life, then stay reading.  Two, if you are hear to judge me, then leave.  I am not forcing anyone to read this blog, and you cannot force me to change my views.  Three, I do not judge anyone else who has a  blog.  I read them with an open mind and the appreciation that I am allowed into each one of yall's life.  Lord knows that I have done things in my life that I regret and I am sure that I will continue to have regretful moments.

If you have problem with anything that I have written, please speak to me about it.  I will be more then welcome to explain.  I will also be more then welcome to say that we can agree to disagree on subjects.  Everyone has different opinions, this is because everyone has different journey's in life.  I also believe that everyone is mature (maybe I shouldn't) so the mature thing to do is to speak to the person who has offended you, NOT imply things. 

Also this should be noted...I rarely me stubborn and I will totally agree.  So if anyone wants any apology, you will probably be out of luck on that one.  I have apologized to one person via this blog, and she TRULY deserved it! It had been a long time coming and owed her that. I only wish that I could have said it earlier to her.


  1. Tab, who cares?
    Sherika... you keep writing. Truth is truth. It is what it is. If people don't like it, they can leave, like you said. We're behind you!

  2. Read your blog description and apply it now:
    "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” :)
