Friday, June 17, 2011

This thing called testing...

So tomorrow I take my GACE, and I am a nervous wreck!!! I do not do well on test, and it is even worse because I know that I HAVE to pass it to become a teacher...pressure much? So please think of my Saturday..I will need all kinds of prayers.

Also my cousin Noah called me to tell me the exciting news that he lost his first tooth. To him it wasn't as exciting as getting to shoot a gun for the first time. boys.  My aunt then got on the phone to tell me a funny story about Noah.  Noah's older half brother (they have the same dad, which means it is my step-cousin) who is 22 moved in with them.  There were eating one night and this is the conversation that Noah had with him:
Noah: Hey Zeke, would you like to come to Georgia with me?
Zeke (Who hates Georgai): Um, no I think I will stay here.
Noah: You mean wouldn't come to Georgia with me to meet a pretty girl named, Sissy?
Zeke: Who is Sissy?
Noah: You know, its SISSY! She is pretty brown eyes. But she has a Josh, and well I kind of like him.

At this point my aunt interferes with the conversation. She told Zeke that I was Sissy and that I was very much engaged. LOL So I guess that if I was not very much engaged my seven year old cousin would setting me up on dates.

1 comment:

  1. Little kids are fantastic--period.

    Don't worry about the GACE, girl! I've taken 3 and none of them were as bad as I made them out to be. I'm an awful test-taker, so if I can handle it you totally can. I'll be praying and wishing you good luck anyway though!
