Sunday, June 12, 2011


Question 1
 Do any of you feel the need to constantly be with your guys? I mean I love Josh and I love spending time with him.  We have so much fun together and I can't wait to be married to him.  But that does not mean that I feel the need to spend every moment with him.  Like today, he went golfing with Zach and I didn't go.  Sorry golfing is just not my thing. Plus I had a paper to write. So he went with Zach....and Christina.  I mean when Josh ask me to go places with him and I can, I say yes without thinking.  But there are times when I am completely okay with him being with his guy friends.  So is right of me or do I need to be with ALL the time?

Question 2
Okay I am wedding planning mood!  I wanted to ask what yall think about my cake idea for Josh.  This is a total surprise for him.  I found this wedding cake topper:
Josh and I spent 90% of out lives at a baseball field, so I thought that I would get this and make the cake look like a baseball field.  What do yall think? His mom doesn't really like the idea. She wants me to do one in the shape of his car, but I am scared that if they don't do it perfectly then it will be A-W-E-F-U-L! Also I plan on getting him a Braves jersey with his name and number on it, so this cake would go along with it.  This is why I wanted to go with the baseball cake..what do yall think?


  1. You DEFINITELY should be glued to Josh's butt 24/7. haha... And as you know I love the baseball cake idea! :)

  2. Well if that is what I am going with then I may go ahead and buy the cake topper...I also need to go ahead and buy the jersey

  3. I thought she was in jail? bahaha. Buy the cake topper and do the cake you wanna do :) I like it.

  4. Dude! I didn't even thinkg about asking how she got out!

  5. I think the baseball cake idea is really great! It matches yall so well!

  6. One of my favorite parts about mine and Tyler's relationship is that we don't have to be together all the time. Neither of us are clingy to the other (and never have been) and I think we're better for it.

  7. I mean I miss Josh when he is not with me, but if he wants to go hang out with the guys then I feel no need to be there. I feel that if you do this then one day yall will resent each just kills me how some girls have to be with their guy 24/7 or have set times when they can see each other and when they can hang out with friends. I feel like if your doin that you are still high school mode

  8. Jason and I aren't together all the time. We have times when we do our own thing. I think it is better for the relationship!

    I love the cake topper!

    Was she in the MC jail? - I can find out lol
