Sunday, June 26, 2011

I'm thankful for the weekends but two days just aint gonna do...

This weekend has been one of the first weekends that I did NO homework! It felt amazing to get American Foreign Policy off my mind.  Josh and I did nothing to special, which shows how we are becoming an old married couple (yea I know we aren't married yet, but it feels like it sometimes).

Friday night we spent the night cleaning the house. I know exciting right? We had rearranged our living room and we felt that since we did that we should give the whole house a good scrub down.  Plus it is way easier to clean when both of us are in the mood to do it.  We also received a new (at least to us) and free couch and over sized chair! It is freaking comfortable and way better than the futon, that has been retired to the guest bedroom for the time being. 
We plan to have someone to come out and deep clean it.  And yes, that is Soph's toy on the couch, she has already taken it over.

Saturday after I got off work, Josh and I decided to spend the rest of the day outside of the house.  We went to Red Lobster eat because it like my favorite place to eat! I could probably just go there to eat the biscuits.  Then we decided to go shopping.  This may sound wierd but sometimes Josh and I like to walk around the mall or Walmart just to look, even if we don't buy anything.  However this trip we did buy things.  Josh bought a Fossil watch, which surprised me because he doesn't wear watches, but of well.  All I bought was a magnetic calender to hang up on the fridge.  Josh is extremely forgetful so I thought that this might help him just a bit..we shall see! We also bought Sophie a surprise.

It is just a bone, but she seemed a but confused on what it was, so she growled at it for like ten minutes.

Today was our lazy day.

Sophie was extremely lazy, she laid under the chair for half the morning.

I got up this morning and cooked Gravey and Biscuits..Yum!!! After breakfast we hit the road and headed to Clint and Lisa's to lay out by the pool.  Once again, no homework was invovled.  Sophie is having mix feelings about the pool.  The first time she was in the pool was when she accidently jumped into the it.  Now we force her into the pool because we know she is burning up.

She is doing everything she can to get OUT of the water.  She bout had a heart attack

 So overall we had a pretty uneventful, but amazing weekend. Josh and I are thinking about going to Six Flags sometime this Summer.  I have only been once and I was way too short to ride anything. So would anyone be up to go?


  1. I wanna go!!! I love the couch! It looks super cute!

  2. Let us know when you go! We may go if Jason's not working :)

  3. okie dokie..we have to figure out when are going. We planned on going during the week, but then we realized everyone worked during the week lol
