Friday, June 3, 2011

Everyone should work with the public at least once

This must be the week for Sherika to deal with all the crazy people.  Here am at work attempting to do my job the best I know how, and women are mad because we are not catering to them.

I cannot help it if the make-up you wear is not in.  Hello you are NOT the only person that wears it! We order it as fast as we can.  It takes 3 days to get here.  Maybe you should come BEFORE you are completely out. Or hey call us and we will put one back for you.  But coming into my place of work and yelling at me for not having it will not make it magically appear!!

Also, NO we do not call every single customer and tell them that we have free gifts with purchase in.  Nor do we send a post card.  Do you realize that if we mailed everyone a post card how expensive that would be?  In the end it would not be worth it.  They are seasonal which means we have them at the beginning of EVERY season!  Try coming in at that time.

Maybe these women need to have a job where they deal with the public. Have you heard of respect?  Have you heard that you get more flies with honey than with vinegar? Seriously people, have we lost all sense of kindness?  Acting this way will not make me give into you nor will it make me want to be nice to you.  If you tell me that if I don't do this then you will go to a different store, well GO ON!!!! If they want to do deal with your craziness then let them.  I prefer the sweet old ladies anyways.


  1. I'm telling Mom you said all this after she came in;) I know what you mean though, I'm a receptionist and get yelled at constantly when people call and the person they want is either not in or on another call. Clearly not my fault! It surely takes patience to deal with the public if nothing else!

  2. Don't you dare tell your momma that! haha Actually she was speaking so highly of your realationship with tyler! It was so sweet!
