Sunday, July 3, 2011

Barefoot Blue Jean Night

After a crazy week (for a moment I thought the conspiracy theory was coming true), this weekend was much deserved.  Now my favorite time of the year is Summer! I love cook outs, ice cream, and good times with great friends! And that is exactly what this weekend was made of .   The Dovers threw their first cook out, and it made me wish we had a bigger house so we could have more friends over.  Me wanting to make sure our friends were entertained decided to buy this game set that consisted of washers, ladder ball, and bean bag toss.  I probably should have made sure it was easy to set-up because Jordan and I spent thirty minutes trying to put the games together, and yes there were parts left over, but it makes life a little more interesting. 

Jordan and Corey!

I kinda, sorta, maybe just a little love him!

After Corey and Josh whooped the girls at bean bag toss and laderball we decided it was time to meet up with the Bryans and the McEntires to watch the Chatsworth's fireworks.  Is it sad that I was more entertained in watching Skyler and Greenleigh than the fireworks?  If you haven't seen them then you are missing out.  They are two of the most beautiful children I have ever met and they are hilarious! (Lindsey you and Tyler have done an amazing jobs!) Even Josh thinks they are pretty amazing, and he is not known for being a baby person. 

After the fireworks were over, we went back to our house to have some ice cream (or at least I did) and play with sparklers (yea I am still a child at heart)!

Best Friends!
I would love to know why I look as if something has just blew my mind.

And of coure I had to have a picture with my baby girl!

So this weekend was pretty amazing, but I do have my war wounds. My entire body is covered in bug bites. In case you didn't know, I am allergic to mosiquitos.  Also as I was playing with Sophie she went to bite her toy, missed and ripped my thumb open.  Then as I was folding the table up, it pinched my arm so now I have nasty bruise.  I have got to be the most accident prone person in the world!

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