Sunday, June 5, 2011

Baby in the bed..

Last night was the only second time that Sophie has spent the night with me.  Now if yall recall I have discussed about how different Sophs is when she is with me.  Josh says this is because I let her do whatever she wants, and yes I pretty much do.  Let me just explain to yall how pretty girl sleeps.  With Josh, she sleeps at the foot of the bed, far away from him.  With me, she sleeps right on my chest.  She has to make sure that she is touching me at time.  She is so much like a baby it is ridiculous.  And when she is ready to get up, she puts her paw on my face and growls.  Bless her. 

Today Josh and I went swimming at his parents, and of course Sophie came with us.  I am beginning to think that I need a dog diaper bag for her.  We have to take her bone, her food, her baby, and her treats.  We are getting WAY out of hand with her.  But we love her as if she was a child, and you can tell that she thinks of us as parents.  She will not go anywhere if she cannot see one of us within her sights. 

After we put her in the pool


  1. I hate to see what you guys are like when you actually DO have a baby! lol

  2. I think i am going to be a helicopter parent..i pray they I do not turn out like that but I have a feeling I am going to be a bit over protective!
