Monday, June 13, 2011

Being a Bridesmaid is a work out

So Amy had the BEST wedding and wedding reception.  Everything went so smoothly that at the reception Amy looked at me and said, "Wow! I cannot believe that there was no drama!"  We were all in shock.  But Amy was the queen of organization and I am convinced that helped so much!

Amy was BEAUTIFUL! Her dress was perfect for her, and she looked like a princess! I am so happy for her and Jason. He is an amazing guy who really loves her. 

Okay, so my ENTIRE body hurts.  I helped Amy do everything that she needed me to do, and although I had a blast doing it, my body is paying for it now...I really think that my arms hurt from carrying Kinsley down the aisle. Josh had rub them Saturday night and I had to sleep with ice on one of them So I guess if any of yall are wanting to work out just walk around with a baby or be a bridesmaid....jeez I sound like a pansy..I really need to get back in shape


  1. LOL Just wait til you have two of your own... I can't breathe half the time!

  2. oh I can't WAIT! I love kids so much. I used to say that I wanted a girl but after being Ashley's son, Jordan, I think I want a boy

  3. Aww thanks Ree Ree. You were amazing and thank you for all of your help! You really didnt have to help clean up! & I'm sorry your arms hurt, but thanks for carrying her. She wouldn't have walked down by herself.
    I can't wait til you have kids! Get started soon!! lol
