Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A moment, a word, or a conversation can alter a person's life

I think that there is someone in this world who I need to give thanks to.  She has no idea how much she has impacted my life.  I truly believe that God has put certain people in my life when he knew that I needed them the most.

Three years ago this month I was forced to change my birth control pills.  I had cysts really bad on my right ovary and instead of having surgery on it, I convinced my obgyn to do change my medicine.  However she fail to mention two side effects. 1.  I threw my guts up EVERY morning at 3:00.  It was SOO bad. 2. If you looked at me the wrong way, I fell apart.  I cried all the time.
To make this work, I was dealing with two crazy roommates, my apartment flooded, two of my education books were lost, I missed home really bad, and Josh and I were having issues (to say the least).  I ended having a breakdown while off at college.  I literally cried myself to sleep every night. It is the lowest that I have ever been.  It was so bad that I decided it was best to move home. 

There was one thing that really kept me going.  Actually a person. This person has no idea how much her conversations meant to me.  I had known her most of life, but we were never extremely close.  However, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday we sat through Van Sickle's History class and just talked.  She reminded of me home and we gossiped about all of the people from there.  I quickly realized we were alike.  We had gone through similar things.  She has no idea how much her hour long conversations meant to me.  It really helped keep me sane that last semester at college.

Today we went to the pool and just hung out. Nothing big, but it helped me to relieve some stress.  To this day, I still have random conversations with her.  I still complain to her and tell her all about my problems.  So one person, one moment can truly change a person forever.

Thank you Jordan, you have know idea how much you mean to me.

1 comment:

  1. Awww..... SHERIKA! This made me get tears in my eyes!! This is tooooooooo sweet. Your welcome dear! You have no idea how much you and your conversations mean to me!
