Thursday, June 2, 2011

History is my thing

Okay, so I was reassured today how much I love history and that I am kinda good at it.  When I was in my first upper level history class at DSC I almost thought that this was not what I needed to be doing.  It was English history, which I love, but at that time I knew very little about.  This scared because everyone around me was making comments and I had no idea what they are talking about.  Then I was handed back my first ever book reveiw....I had a 73.

Me? Sherika LaDean England? The girl who LOVED history! The girl who made a 4.0 in high school? Yes I made this grade.

And for almost a moment I doubted my desire to be a history teacher.  But I stayed with it.  Today I have that exact same teacher.  He is still teaching English History.  I got my book review, back......I made a 90!!! This shows how much I have improved over the past year and half.  And very few people make an A on anything in his class....I also am the one leading the class discussions and throwing in comments that not your average student can say.

So yes history IS my thing!

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