Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It is the little things that matter most

Last night Josh and I had one of our moments, you know those moments as a couple when one of you does something beyond stupid and the other laughs their rear end off the rest of the night.  Of course Josh was the one who had the ridiculously stupid moment and I proceeded to laugh for the next thirty minutes. 

After I was over it, I sat and thought about how lucky I am.  I am often a complainer and I realized that I have few things to complain about.  I really do live a blessed life.  And it made me think about people who are miserable. 

There is this guy in my history classes who is probably the most miserable person in the entire world.  He is convinced that our government is communist and he does not believe in God.  Now I am an extremely open minded person and I let people believe what they want and I believe what I want to.  I never try to force my beliefs on people, we in live in America so to each his own.  I believe that there is only person who can judge you.  Also, I know that I am not a saint, nor will I ever pretend to be one. Back to this guy in my class, I feel so sorry for him.  He has consumed his life with negative feelings and spends his life trying to convince everyone that God isn't real.  He also thinks that teachers and nurses are the people destroying our country (really? I thought that nurses saved people and teachers taught the future leaders of America).  I finally looked at him, after him making a nasty comment to me about meantioning God in class, and said "Do you have anything in your life to live for? I mean is there anything that can make you happy?" And of course he had no answers.  It just goes to show that if you consume your life with negative thoughts and feelings you will life a miserable life....and I feel sorry for him.

After thinking about all of this, I realized that yes I do have an amazing life.  No it is not perfect. Josh and I fight, we eat left overs, we don't get to go party or out to eat every weekend, I would give anything for a bigger house or a new car, and I don't get to see Taylor Swift this weekend....but I do have something to live for.

If there is ever a time you find yourself feeling down, find a baby or toddler.  Sit with them and look at the world through their eyes.  Watch as baby looks at his/her mother as if she is most amazing person in the world, and you will see what love at first sight is.  Watch a little boy playing in a puddle of mud and you will discover that making messes can be a blast.  Listen to a little girl sing and you will discover that everyone can carry a tune.  Life is absolutely amazing through theirs eyes. 

I am pretty sure that if I don't get a teaching job I want to work with babies and toddlers.  I haven't figured what that will be, but I love kids (bet y'all didn't know that one) and would enjoy spending the day with them.  So maybe I will open my own daycare or work in the medical field with them.  I am sure I can figure something out.

And of course that guy in my class hates kids! No wonder he is so miserable!


  1. Will you just get pregnant already!! :)

  2. If I got pregnant right now I would have the baby in the middle of my student teaching and could not graduate..or I would end up being 9 months pregnant in my wedding, so we are going to wait just a little longer..but it is on our minds!
