Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Adventures of Josh and Sherika -Take 2

So the other night my wonderful baseball player and I were watching a movie, Crush On You.  It is kinda like You Got Mail.  But anyways, in the movie a guy and a girl (who the movie is focused on) ask a serious of questions to each other, like what is your favoirte movie, food, and music.  Now I know a lot about Josh, but not everything. So I turned and said:
"Hey what is your favorite movie?"
"I don't have one."
"Everyone has one"
"Not me."
"Okay if you were dying and had one last movie to watch what would it be?"
"Well I'm not dying.  Oh my God are you planning on killing me?"
"Yes Josh.  Dang you caught me. I just don't know it."
"Well I know yours."
"Really, what is it?"
"The Notebook."
"That is not even in my top 5."
"Well what is it?"
"Sleeping Beauty."
Sounding alarmed"Since when!"
"Um since I was three."

Apparently we don't know everything about each other, but I plan on spending the rest of my life learning everything I can about him.

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