Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The world revolves around me!

Okay no it doesn't but it got your attention..right?  Anyways...Drama Drama Drama.  I hate when it happens and it seems to be happening a lot lately.  I think this one might slightly be my fault, so if it is or if I have offended anyone sorry.  I was upset earlier and had a really good status to follow it.  My cousin wrote back to me: "Sherika I am not sure what is going on - but I have found to not sweat the little things. People that act this way take up energy so stay away from them and take whatever they say with a grain of salt. What is most important is that the people that count in your life know the truth."  This really goes with the saying at the top of my page.  But apparently I have not been listening to my own advice...sad how that works sometimes.  I wear my heart on my sleeves and it is pretty pathetic at times.  When I was in middle school I had my emotions really well, but one day learned that all it was doing as hurting me.  So I opened my heart to a lot of people, the first person was Josh.  To this day he is one of the few people that I can completely open up to.  This is one of the reasons why I fell in love with him.

But even though it is healthy to share your emotions, I still need to learn to not swear the small stuff, BUT when enough is enough I need to learn to stand up for myself.  Sigh.  There is a good chance I may never do that, but who knows, people can change...right?


  1. Don't sweat it. I love you and your heart on your sleeve.

  2. Thank you! and thank you for planning to have the sex talk with my kids haha
