Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cowboy Up

My mind has been full of so many thoughts here lately that I feel like my thoughts have decided to start yelling inside of my brain.  Once again, I find myself sitting in my bed attempting to do homework, but I can't because of everything on my mind.  So I thought that I would share it with my blog friends. 

Just in case you didn't know, shitty parents is a touchy subject for me.  I have not always had the best relationship with my dad, but we managed to work it out, and I am extremely thankful for that.  However, in my eyes, shitty parents or people who pretend they do not have kids are, in my eyes, the lowest people on this Earth.  Okay so people who kill their children are a little bit lower on the ladder, but they are clearly shitty parents.  But anyways...

I am come to realize how many people in this world are CHOOSING not to be good parents, which irritates me.  I HATE when people attempt to be parents to other people's children before they raise their own.  Seriously?  Why don't you focus on the kids who you helped bring into this world before attempting to become a parent to your new spouse's children.  Your children will one day resent you for this. Cowboy up and raise your own first.  It also annoys me when people try to be your parent when you ALREADY have two amazing parents.  I have experinced this personally and it annoyed me beyond belief, it also didn't help that I hated this person.
Also men/women who pretend as if they do not have children.  I don't  care if you provided the sperm or the egg, you BOTH helped to make that child and it is your responsibility to be a parent! I don't care if you were sixteen when the child was born, it is time for you to cowboy up and take ownership.  What really ticks me off is when a spouse knows that his/her wife/husband has a child and helps to cover it up.  Apparently you need to grow a set too.
My dad was a senior in high school when he found out he had a got a girl pregnant. He cowboyed up and took care of my sister and her mom.  Even when her mom moved her to the other side of the country, he made sure to always get her and my other sister Christmas and birthday presents.  When my parents got married, my mom made sure to treat all of us equally, but she never pretended to be their mom. My sisters decided when they were teenagers to stop having contact with my dad and I.  It broke his heart but once he again, since he thought it was what they wanted and needed he allowed it.  When he realized that our relationship was strained, he apologized to me and everything is better.  When my daddy married Rhonda, the first thing that she told him was "I have two kids and you have two kids.  You need to put your kids first and I will put my kids first." That is EXACTLY how a step-parent should respond!

So men and women cowboy up!
Okay Okay, I have one friend who is mom, and she is doing an amazing job so this is not directed towards her, nor the rest of yall because one, Tabitha your baby girl isn't here yet and I know you and Ed will be great parents, two, the rest of you don't have kids lol

This made me feel just a bit better.

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