Friday, July 8, 2011

Imitation is the BEST form of flattery

An hour and nine minutes. That is how long it takes to relive two years of my life.  Actually I only relived part of it. 

A girl from North Georgia got engaged, so I quickly grabbed my phone and called up one of my best friend and MOH, Ashley.  I must have caught her at an awkward time because she was kinda confused on what was going on.  We quickly talked about the girl's engagment (she lived next to us at North Georgia).  The then started reliving the good ole days of Donovan B300s.  Although I will soon move in with Josh, Ashley will always be the best roommate.  I can remember they day that I met her like it was yesterday.  I arrived at our dorm first, because I am early to everything.  When Ashley and her family walked in I stuck out my hand and said, "Hey, I am Sherika England, your roommate for the next year." Instead of shaking my hand she hugged me.  Now I am a touch-me-not, so it was kinda awkward.  But we quickly moved everything in and arranged our room.

I want to tell you the funniest story of our friendship.  Two months after we moved into our dorm room, I had to be rushed to the emergency room.  I told my parents that it was no big deal and not to come, but I was scared to death.  Ashley quickly put me in her car and rushed me to the hospital (which is the suckiest hospital ever!). So there we were, two girls that barely knew each other sitting in the hospital room one of us only half dressed, yep that was me.  To make matters worse the doctor pretty much over dosed me on medicine.  As the nurse, whose name was Rocky and I spent much the night debating on if he was gay or not because acted like it but he kept rubbing my leg, brought me another dosage of medicine, Ashley looked at him and said, "What is that? You don't understand children's Benadryl knocks her out!!!"  After I took the medicine I started dancing and singing to "Get Low." If you have never seen me on pain medicine then you are missing out! It is a sight or at least so I have been told.  After four hours the doctor finally told me that I had a cyst that ruptured.  Ashley took me back to our dorm and took care of me for the next week.

That is when she became my best friend. Next year when I get married Ash will be standing beside as my MOH, and she will be an amazing MOH.

Also if you are wondering about the title, no it is not about her.  But while on the phone we discussed a certain girl who seems to be copying my every move.  Ashley lives in Gainesville so if she notices it then isn't it kind of obvious?


  1. Oh god. What has she done now?

  2. bahaha nothing today. Ashley told me how she noticed it too and we were comparing blogs lol
