Thursday, July 7, 2011

Memory lane up in the headlights, got reminiscing on the good times.

This afternoon my fifteen year old cousin, Eli, asked if I could drive him to a party.  His mom and dad are still in Atlanta due to her back surgery, so I am his lifeline.  Of course I said yes. He then asked if we could take his truck so he can practice driving.  Once again I said yes.  So as I climbed into his truck, I made fun of him for having Browning and Mossy Oak stickers in his window, he just laughed.
Then a familiar voice belted through speakers...Colt Ford. I squealed like a little girl and asked if he had Brantley Gilbert. He through the CD in and turned to Dirt Road Anthem, the one where Brantley Gilbert raps the last verse.  Bless Him!

As the first notes of that all too familiar song play, my eyes instantly closed and I am taken back to the high school days. A smile crosses my face as remember my younger life.  For a moment I can almost smell the inside of that stuffy gym.  I can almost feel the heat of the summer sun at a baseball game.  I can almost see myself fighting my way down the science hall. I can remember the time I got food poisoning from the chicken, not my best memory.  But needless to say, that song takes me back to the good ole days.  My heart skips a beat as I remember meeting Josh.  My head turns as I remember all things that my parents would kill me for. 

Eli looked over at me, "Why do you love this song so much?"
"Dude you are going to a party, you just wait, this song will take you back to this moment."
"You do know that I am going to a swimming party at my pastor's house?"
Ah crap I just became a bad influence on my 15 year old cousin..hand to forehead.

As I drove his HUGE truck back home I thought about my home town.  I, like Lindsey, have a love/hate relationship with this town (actually is there anyone who doesn't?)  I remember my senior year when I was once again threatening to leave town and never come back. My dad said the following to me: "Honey you can run but you can't hide.  Your heart and soul are embedded in that red clay mud and you are country whether you want to admit it or not. That muddy water  runs through your viens." To me, that was laughable. 

Of course, when I pulled back into the driveway I realized that Eli was laughing because my vehichle, of course, had a hot pink browning sticker and a hot pink mossy oak sitcker. Sigh. What my daddy said was true.  At some point I became the one thing I said never would, the one thing my momma feared.  I became a country girl.  What can I do but my shrug my shoulders and go along with it?

Also my new favorite Brantley Gilbert song is "Them Boys" if you haven't heard it you should!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you on this one Sherika. I too think about all my high school memories when I hear that oh so familiar song. It makes me miss them terribly but I know that they will forever be my memories and I have so much to look forward to.
