Monday, September 5, 2011

Who I am Today

Last night I looked at Josh and said, "Can you believe how are life is today?  Would you have ever guessed that this is where we would be at the age of 22?" Josh: "No, because I wanted to get married at 18...Thank God we didn't!"

No that doesn't mean that he loves me any less.  Just that we both know that it would have been ten times harder on us if we would have married at the mere age of 18.  After we had our little discussion I started thinking, maybe too much.  I realized that for once in my life, I am putting MY life and my fiance's life FIRST!!  And you know doesn't make me a bad person.  Why? Because every single person has different priorities in life.  My priorities right now: finish school, figure out this whole wife thing, save just in case I don't get a job, if I do get a job save for a house, finish Josh's car, and at some point plan a wedding.  It is a lot I know, but Josh and I work at each one of those together, yes even the school thing.  And there are days that if he wasn't beside me then I probably would forget all the things I really want and need in life.  These are not the same priorities as everyone else.  Like Amy is probably concentrating on the whole marriage life and getting her husband through the police academy and keeping him safe.  Tabitha is probably more focused on her new job and Rayne.  Jordan..well Jordan has a lot of the same priorities as me, minus the whole care thing.  But that is okay.  We are all at the age where are lives are becoming so different.  Yet it is so fun to see where we all are today and how different our lives are...actually I enjoy it. Haha, I know that is kind of funny.

Anyways enough of that.  Josh and I had an interesting weekend, at least to us.  We rearranged our house, again.  We bought some curtains  that block out the sun, hopefully it cuts down on the power bill.  These two things made our little house finally feel like a home! We also went baby shopping for little Rayne.  That was an experience in itself...Josh attempted to buy her a potty training seat.  I then told him that she wouldn't need that for a while! Bless him. I was more excited about finding name tags with birds on them!!

The next two months are going to be so busy! We have a baby shower and two weddings, and not to mention all the homework that I have to do.


  1. Haha I can just picture you and Josh baby shopping together!! I'm guessing that was A LOT of fun :)

  2. I bout peed on myself from laughing so hard at him!!

  3. that's hilarious. It will be funny to see y'all baby shop when it comes time for you to have one!

  4. I refuse to allow him to do it by himself!
