Monday, September 19, 2011


Last week was tiresome to say the least.  I always dogsit for my grandparents, so of course when they went to visit my aunt I said I would once again do it.  They failed to mention that he had not been sleeping through the night.  So if he wasn't sleeping, I wasn't sleeping.  He never slept, so I never slept. 

Then on Wednesday night Daddy calls to tell me he is having a simple procedure to remove a kidney stone.  He never calls to tell me about "simple" procedures and I could tell he was worried about it.  Come to find out, they believed this one had been in there for 3 months and caused kidney damage.  He told me not to worry, but of course I did.  On Friday, as I was attempting to teach my students something, I heard my phone ring, but chose to ignore.  After the lesson, I looked at phone and realized my aunt and step-mom had called me repeatdly.  So I stepped in the hallway to check my voicemail.  All I heard was, "The surgery didn't go well, it is worse then we thought.  Your dad is being admitted to the hospital."  I made it to the hospital in less than 10 minutes.  Apparently they were not able to remove and he was in a lot of pain.  Which caused his blood pressure go through the roof.  They said it was dangersouly high and would not let him go home under those circumstances.  Hardest thing ever: seeing your dad, who has always been your rock, withering in pain.  I lost it.  It took my aunt a good 20 minutes to calm me down.  I stayed with him until he woke up and told me it was dark and I needed to go home.  Second hardest thing: having to leave him there.  I knew that Rhonda would take care of him, but I was scared to death that something would happen to him in the middle of the night and I would not be able to make it back in time.  But I went home, where I did not get any sleep. 

My dad came home Saturday, but he never passed the stone.  He went deer hunting Sunday..thinks to my brother.  He will have to go back if never passes and they want to do more test on his kidneys. Just please keep him in your prayers. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry to hear that you dad was in the hospital. I will definitely keep him and your family in my prayers.
