Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Adventures of Miss England: Sunflowers

Teacher:  When Columbus came to the New World he brought things that the Native Americans had never seen.  Like Sunflowers.
AP student: We can eat sunflowers?
Me: We eat sunflower seeds.
AP Student: Like the seeds from a sunflower? Like the ones that makes the sunflower grow?
Teacher: Um..Yes?!?
AP Student: I will never be able to look at sunflower seeds the same again.d

Bless her!! I guess bless us too.  I have a hard time controlling my facial expressions, so of course I looked at her like she was stupid.  Mrs. McClary and I were in complete shock that an AP Student did not know where SUNFLOWER seeds came from.

Teacher: What are the name of the ships that Columbus sailed on?
Me: You are about 100 years off.

Teacher: Who came to the New World before Columbus?
AP Student: The Pilgrims! Remeber they came here and had Thanksgiving with the Indians.
Me: You are now about a thousand years off. The Vikings came forever ago.

Clearly we had to start from the beginning and explained that the Vikings came first, then Columbus, then Jamestown, THEN the Pilgrims.  Although they have their moments where they completely forget EVERYTHING they have ever learned, it is still a teachable moment. And I LOVE it!! These kids are hilarious and they actually enjoy being there.  The more I am in the classroom, the more I am reminded how much I love teaching and history.  It reassures me that this is what I really want to do..even if I don't get my dream job or a job at first, I want to keep trying until I find the right school for me. I have been blessed with three wonderful site teachers, and I found who I have for middle school starting in October...It is Robin Baggett!!! I love her!  So the only thing left for me to do is decide where I want to be place my fourth block.  I have really considered going back to Southeast and working with Mrs. Noll and Ms. Barto.  They offered to share me so I don't have to teach AP.  Plus, there is a chance I could get a job for me.  On the other hand, I love North Murray and I could save money on gas, but I highly doubt I can get a job there.  So just please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I attempt to make the right choice!

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