Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Adventures of Miss England

So I thought that I would try to blog about life as a student teacher.  Mainly because I really want to remember this "joyous" time.  Okay so I am at North Murray with Mrs. McClary. First, NMHS is ridiculous! If you have not been there than you need to make an excuse to hop on over there.  They have a "grand staircase," and trust me is grand! Second Mrs. McClary is 26 and this is her fifth year teaching.  Yes that means she started when she was 21.  When you see her you would probably assume she taught early childhood and would be really nice. BUT she is defiantly high school teacher and can get mean with her students when need be.  She teaches 10th grade AP U.S History and regular U.S. History.  So there is the all the background information.

Last Friday I met Mrs. McClary for the first to work with her on pre-planning. She gave the grand tour of the building which lasted for a good 30 min...seriously, I still do know where everything is at. We then went over her plans for me and my goals for this semester. Then we had to sit through a mandate reporter meeting.  Boring. I learned that I am not allowed to date my students or hit them.  And apparently if my students are having sex and under the age of 16 I have to report it.  Can we just go ahead and report the entire school?  I know, I know I shouldn't take this lightly, but it is common sense.  I also noticed that everyone from Gladden and half the teachers from Murray are now at NMHS.  Mr. Smith (who is on my "team," NMHS does team like in middle schools) walked up to me and said, "Didn't I have you in high school? Wow I feel old!"  He had me his first year, so he is not that old.
First Day
Today was my first day actually meeting the students. Sigh. It was an interesting day.  First, I got up early to head on to DSC because I am behind on school work.  So I took my medicine along with some new vitamins, you know to try to boost that immune system of mine. Sadly, the vitamins made me sick, so I left school without ever going to class. Anyways.  When I felt better I headed to NMHS.  I walked into Mrs. McClary room, and of course the guys had to whistle? Are we in the tenth grade? Oh, wait...5th period class contains 22 males and 6 females! Wow! Next came 6th period.  this is going to be my favorite class..why? There is all of 22 people in it.  That is the same number of males in 5th.  They took their pre-test and that was it. Last was 7th period. Demons. That is what I will call them.  Why? Because this is the class full of attitude.  Take this conversation.
Mrs. McClary: So you were not here yesterday?
Student: No, duh!
Mrs. McClary: Okay,  and your name is _____, right?
Student: (Very hatefully, while rolling eyes) Um no! I go by ____ (shortened version of name).
Mrs. McClary: Okay, I will put that in my grade books.
Student: (Sarcastically) Thanks.
Also they were the only class to complain about the pre-test....that is not for grade!  One girl actually gave me the death stare the entire time.  I really want to ask "Have I offended you?" But I know that is just teenage girl stuff.  Hopefully that side of them stays in high school.
This led me to think, can I put up a sign in room that says "Leave your attitude at the door." Because I really want to.

We also have a girl whose last two letters of her name are "ho" but apparently you don't pronounce that part..whoops! She is a foreign exchange student from Japan.  She barely speaks English, but she is so sweet.  She is in sixth period, thank goodness she is not with the Miss Attitude. She has passed Calculus, but NMHS put her pre-cal. Mr. Pritchard (yes the one from Murray) is worried about her and wants to put her in AP Cal, he thinks she can make a 5 on the AP test..bless him. 
Speaking of the rest of the team, Mr. Smith wore a bow-tie to school.  He looks like a little kid with it.  Mrs. Wildes is also on our team along with Mrs. Gibson.  See a lot of people from Murray.
So that is about it.  I left school, got stuck in traffic, almost had a wreck because the police officer decided to stop directing traffic and no one knew what to do, got stuck in more traffic in front of my house, and made it home 45 minutes later.  Yes a ten minute drive took me 45 minutes. 

I will NEVER live across from a school again!


  1. I had a tiny crush on the science teacher! hahaha My younger cousin said she had McClearly last year and said they loved her. She said she is one of the best teachers and can remember so much from last years class. Good luck with the student teaching!

  2. I am so going to tell Mrs. McClary that! She would love to know that her students really care. And she is a really great teacher.
