Friday, August 19, 2011

The week of craziness

So Dalton State SUCKS! Don't get me wrong I love my teachers, well most of them. My first two education teachers were, well, pathetic is probably the nicest word I can use.  But I love my history teachers and Dr. Murphy is the bomb.  The part about DSC that sucks is the administration. Like the fact that they waited till Monday to tell all secondary ed majors that at some point this semester we have to not only attend the already assigned high school BUT attend a middle school too.  Just in case y'all didn't know, the school systems we are assigned to don't start till Sept.  I have to finish my high school observations by Oct 6th. Why yes that is only ONE month! Sigh.

After I received this astonishing news on Monday, my bubby decided that he didn't want to go to West Georgia. Yes he was suppose to leave this Saturday. Yes he decided this after DSC started back. And Yes my mom allowed this to happen. All day Tuesday my mom and brother went to DSC to transfer him. Of course they were extremely rude to her. I don't blame them there. But they lost his high school transcript AND his financial aid. Yes I sent them to DSC back in March, at the same time I sent the  information to West Georgia. He was finally accepted and started classes on Wed. Come to find out it was a good thing he switched because apparently West Georgia failed to him or mom that they purged his classes because they never received his immunization records, but somehow DSC did.

On Wed my mom went to pick up my dress. When she got home, I tried it on to make sure it fit. It is the exact same size as the one I tried on in the store.  My mom couldn't get it to zip. So this girl right here went into panic mood.  I eventually went to my aunt's house, and she zipped it right up.  Apparently my mom has week hands....GREAT!

Also, my archnemesis moved two roads in front of Josh and I....FML!


  1. Don't even get me started on DSC. Seriously. Does Josh know about said arch nemesis? Don't tell him! lol

  2. Yes I did. And I told him I would know if something shady was going down lol
