Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Adventures of Sherika And Sophie

This past Monday, I dropped Sophie off at the vet to get her fixed.  Of course I stressed over it a little too much, go figure.  They asked me if Sophie bites.....Um I have you met my dog? She will probably lick you to death before she would ever dream of biting someone.  Okay so she did bite Ed one time, but he was shaving her. 
I went to pick Sophie up at around four, and she was still drugged.  When she heard my voice, she wagged her tail, and then fell back asleep.  Although I was worried about her, I found it hilarious that my puppy was drugged.
Yes my baby is sleeping while sitting straight up.
This is how she has slept the past two days.

Today, mom and I went to David's Bridal in Kennesaw to pick up the accessories to my dress.  While there, we ran by Petsmart to grab Sophs a few items.
Does she have a dress and bow? Why yes she does!

Sophie has issues with mirrors.  She is completely confused on if it is another dog or if it really her...of course I think that it is the funnies thing EVER!

Needless to say, I have one spoiled dog. 

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