Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Shop till ya drop

Today momma and I had one of our rare shopping days.  I am not the biggest shopper and my mom is, which makes for a horrible combination.  But I was in desperate need of some "teaching" clothes, so the two of us headed to Towne Center (which I like way better than Hamilton Place).  We found some great deals and I made sure to get some pretzel sticks, my favorite! I love getting to spend these rare moments with momma.  To be honest, mom and I used to hate each other.  For about two years we had a rough time, but after spending two years without her, I learned how much I love and need my mommy.  I know that once I get married and starr having babies, that days like todays will become more difficult to plan. 

On another note, I am having the hardest time deciding what to baby Rayne.  You see I am a sucker for baby things, and would probably buy her EVERYTHING. Even Josh, who is sitting beside me, is like "I don't know what we should buy her! Everything looks so cute!" Sigh. Good things we still have awhile before she gets here. Oh by the way, if you haven't seen her baby room, it is so cute! I am totally going to hire Lindsey and Tabitha to decorate my future baby's room.

1 comment:

  1. Shopping trips are AWESOME! Except that I usually spend way too much :/

    Duh, of course! :) That's what we do! PS you need to come check out my classroom so I can get another teacher's point of view. We worked on it a lot today.
