Monday, August 29, 2011


"Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends."

I am firm believer that people change. I am by far the world's best example.  If you met the 14 year old Sherika you would have met a girl who hated people, if she didn't like you then she wouldn't speak to you, a girl who said exactly what she thought, a girl who would give no one a chance, and a girl who did not believe in love.  Today, well I still am not a people person, but I speak to almost everybody, I hold back a lot, I am way to nice to people, I give people way too many chances, and I believe in love. So see, I have changed...and mostly for the better. I have grown up so much in the eight years between now and then.

I am also a firm believer that no matter what happens, no matter how much people change, you can always remain friends. Take me and Amy for an example.  We met in elementary school, played ball together, I broke her wrist, we went to middle school and high school together, and I when she asked me to be her bridesmaid I jumped for joy and told her I would do whatever she needed me to.  See, we both have changed SO much and look we still remain friends.  No matter what happened over the years, I always knew that she would be there when I needed her.

But what if people change the other way? Can you still remain friends? This has been on my mind a lot lately.  What if one day you wake up and the person that was your best friend for years suddenly isn't the person you grew up with? It makes you wonder, has this person always been like this? Or is it because the person they are with has changed them so much that you don't recognize them?  What happens when you have lunch with that person, and realize that they have no idea what you have been doing the past 4 years? And when they ask you why you never told them all the things that you have done you answer with "Well you judged everyone else who did it and I didn't want to be judged." What hurts the most is knowing that you did so much for that person, maybe more than people realize, and that person never acknowledged it.  And now when you need that person, they are no where to be found.  It makes you questions your friendship.  And when does a friendship end? And how can you tell when it does?

These are just a few questions that I have been running through my head.  I guess it is hard for me to understand because one, I am way to loyal to my friends and two, I admit to my flaws and the fact that I change.  Sigh.  It is just crazy at how much my life has changed.  I love it though.  I love all my new friends and the old ones who still remain by my side.  I am not going to say that there isn't a single thing I wouldn't change, because lets face it, there are a tons. I wish I was already married, I wish I had a job, I wish we had new house, I wish for a new car, I wish that certain things didn't bother me, and sometimes I wish that I was that 14 year old girl again.  But I don't have all those things, things do bother me, and I will never be 14 again.  All I can do is wait patiently for the new things that will change me and my life, and try to understand why certain people change for the worse.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Blake came home from the hospital today!!!! Thank you God! It is so weird, when we got the call, the police all but told us that he was dying.  And then Wed night the plastic surgeon said that he needed to thank God that his injuries were not worse, but that he would probably at the hospital for a week.  Then yesterday after I got out of class, Mom called to tell me that he was coming.  I cried because I just couldn't believe that he was able to come home that fast!! It just goes to show you how God can answer your prayers.  Thank you all for praying him.  It has meant so much to me to know that y'all care. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011


So yesterday we went to the hospital to see Blake.  We arrived with only 15 minutes left in visiting hours so of course my brother ran back there to see him. I don't handle situations like this vey so I volunteered to be the one to not go see him.  I knew his friends wanted to see him more.  He kept showing my brother how is teeth were messed up and worrying about if th doctor could fix it.  He also has a broken jaw that they will have to wire shut.  Blake has no idea what happened him to him.  He told Bubs "find who did this to me because I know I did not jump out of a vehicle or attempt to jump into one."  The last thing he remebers is being at the bar. 

While there we learned of a couple possible scenrios.  Apparently some girl came to get a group of frat guys. At first she told friends that she ran over someone. BUT when the police quetioned her she said he was throwing up and fell out of her truck, but that doesn't match up with his injuries.  Then she said he tried to jump in his truck and she didn't know it. So there are once again three different stories.  Either way, whoever did this CHOSE to leave his body laying in the street.  By the grace of God a young man walked out of the bar and called the police, which saved his life. 

I am really annoyed with people.  A young man attempted to tell my little Mason, yes the one that proposed to me lol, what "really" happened to Blake. Now I just said that they don't know yet. It aslo envolves Blake being drunk. Mason is Blake's cousin and has looked up to Blake his entire life. So yes I told the guy off. He said that he heard from a friend of a friend.  I probably went over board but I am extremely protective of both Blake and Mason, and I didn't think that this boy should be running his mouth.  Mason's mom and Bub's eventually told me that this guy is a trouble maker, seriously people do you have nothing better to do then to make up crap to a 14 year old boy about his cousin who is laying in ICU? People chap my ass.

For the most part, Blake is in good spirites.  He is on morphine so right now the world is perfect! He is a little upset that he couldn't find the Braves game last night and that he can't have his phone.  But as most of you know this is just the beginning of his long journey.  Once they cut the morphine and his jaw is wired shut he will be miserable.  His family just ask that you continue to pray for him.  We all make mistakes in life, and trust me Blake and his friends have learned from this one.  But I think that we shouldn't always remembers people mistakes, but how they rise from those mistakes.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Prayers we Pray, the things we thing won't happen, and the moment that makes you stand still

If you know anything about my family or have been to my house, you will know that my family has like this little extension of people that we call family, eventhough they aren't. They are Andrea, Blake, Bailey, and Nanny Shirley.  Mom and Andrea are best friends, Zachary and Blake are best friends. We go EVERYWHERE together.  They were even there when I got engaged.  They are my family no matter what.

Last night at 3 a.m. Andrea called my mom in tears.  Apparently at some point Blake was in accident.  All the police know is that he walked back to his dorm sometime after one and was then found on the side of the road around three with a broke jaw, lose teeth, and a swollen brain.  Complete strangers found and thank God they called it in.  What was worse, is that his roommate Tyler Timms was missing.  No one had heard from him since he left Blake at the bar at one.  Mom then had to tell my brother.  My brother was suppose to go to West Ga with Blake and Tyler and decided last minute not to.  My brother, well he flipped out.  He kept telling mom he was going to kill who ever did this. When I woke up he was still crying.  We both agreed we had to go to school, he had a quiz, and I missed yesterday's class.

When I got in my car and started processing everything, it finally clicked what happened.  Blake was seriously hurt, my brother was suppose to be there.  I then said out loud, "Thank you God for letting my brother change his mind! That could have been him!"  I then started crying.  What I realized after I said these words, that Blake WAS like my brother, and THIS did happen to him. What if he could have prevented it? My body began to shake because to many "what if" were running through my mind.

When I pulled into school, my brother was parked across from me.  His entire body was shaken and his eyes were red.  I realized that everything that I felt, he felt ten fold.  I realized that then that I have spent my entire life protecting him, and if you have a sibling you know how tough of a job this is.  But this was something that I could never have protected him from. Why? Because we all believe that things like this would NEVER happen to us, but then they do. I was trying to figure out why my brother insisted on going to class, because I would have just skipped.  One, he was trying to be responsible and two, I don't think that he was ready to see Blake.  I think that once he did it would prove that this actually happened

I learned after I got out of class that Tyler had left the bar at one.  Blake was still there and drunk.   Tyler went home and went to bed, the police had to come to his dorm room to find him because he never answered our calls.  Three scenarios are being tossed around, one he fell out of a bed of a truck, two he attempted to jump in a moving truck, three someone beat him up.  No matter what happened it break my heart that the people did not care enough to call the police, I guess if he was beaten up that would explain why he was left there.  Blake is in ICU, sedated and on a ventilator.  As soon as Bubs gets out of class we are headed to see him.  I ask that you please keep all of us in your prayers. 

Friday, August 19, 2011

You know your best friends when you rush tell her things.

Josh and I are celebrating two years of being back together.  It is just something that we do because, we were pretty pumped about it.  We don't really get gifts for it, but I knew that he wanted a new button up shirt so of course I bought it for him and gave it to him.  He surprised me by saying that he had bought me a gift.  And I was pretty surprised when I pulled out my wedding band.  I know y'all are like "why did he get it so soon?" Well I have been asking for it since we got engaged, because it is the only one that fits perfectly with my ring. So I jumped for joy reached for my phone and texted Jordan, because she has heard my complain about it um since we got engaged lol.

A couple of hours later, my phone rings, I see it is Jordan, and I hear "Guess what?!?" I of course started doing my happy dance, because a I knew exactly what had happened! As she was telling me how it happened (which I am leaving out because it is her job to tell y'all not mine lol) she yells "SHERIKA! Your doing your nervous laugh!" Sorry but when I get excited a just laugh. I don't know why, but it is really funny.

So today has been full of excitement.  I cannot help but be as excited for Jordan's engagement as I was for my own, just like I was when Amy told me she was engaged or when Tabitha told me she was pregnant.  I cannot help but be just a little bit too excited for my friends when amazing things happen to them!

The week of craziness

So Dalton State SUCKS! Don't get me wrong I love my teachers, well most of them. My first two education teachers were, well, pathetic is probably the nicest word I can use.  But I love my history teachers and Dr. Murphy is the bomb.  The part about DSC that sucks is the administration. Like the fact that they waited till Monday to tell all secondary ed majors that at some point this semester we have to not only attend the already assigned high school BUT attend a middle school too.  Just in case y'all didn't know, the school systems we are assigned to don't start till Sept.  I have to finish my high school observations by Oct 6th. Why yes that is only ONE month! Sigh.

After I received this astonishing news on Monday, my bubby decided that he didn't want to go to West Georgia. Yes he was suppose to leave this Saturday. Yes he decided this after DSC started back. And Yes my mom allowed this to happen. All day Tuesday my mom and brother went to DSC to transfer him. Of course they were extremely rude to her. I don't blame them there. But they lost his high school transcript AND his financial aid. Yes I sent them to DSC back in March, at the same time I sent the  information to West Georgia. He was finally accepted and started classes on Wed. Come to find out it was a good thing he switched because apparently West Georgia failed to him or mom that they purged his classes because they never received his immunization records, but somehow DSC did.

On Wed my mom went to pick up my dress. When she got home, I tried it on to make sure it fit. It is the exact same size as the one I tried on in the store.  My mom couldn't get it to zip. So this girl right here went into panic mood.  I eventually went to my aunt's house, and she zipped it right up.  Apparently my mom has week hands....GREAT!

Also, my archnemesis moved two roads in front of Josh and I....FML!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Last First Day

Five years ago, I entered North College State and University as an 18 year old freshman.  Five years, two crazy roommates, hundres of papers/test/quizes, two student loans three major changes, a school change, and thousands of dollars later, I am FINALLY about to finish. 

Today was my last first day. Now I know you think I am going to be all sad and say how I don't wish that it will end...well that aint happening. Why? Because I am one of those few people who HATE, let me repeate, H-A-T-E college.  I know that everyone says "These are the best years of your life," but I am convince that they either didn't go to college, or it has been so long since they went to college that they forgot what it is really like.  It is just not my thing. Oh well. In less than 8 months I will graduate..and I will jump and down on one foot out of pure joy...don't believe me, you are more than welcome to attend my graduation.  I threatened not to go to graduation but mom said after the above mentioned thousands of dollars I HAVE to attend.

Anyways, I am now gulping down a Mocha Frappe from McD, because I am beyond exhausted...

I am seriously considering counting down the days till graduation (secretly, I have it on my phone hehe)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Shop till ya drop

Today momma and I had one of our rare shopping days.  I am not the biggest shopper and my mom is, which makes for a horrible combination.  But I was in desperate need of some "teaching" clothes, so the two of us headed to Towne Center (which I like way better than Hamilton Place).  We found some great deals and I made sure to get some pretzel sticks, my favorite! I love getting to spend these rare moments with momma.  To be honest, mom and I used to hate each other.  For about two years we had a rough time, but after spending two years without her, I learned how much I love and need my mommy.  I know that once I get married and starr having babies, that days like todays will become more difficult to plan. 

On another note, I am having the hardest time deciding what to baby Rayne.  You see I am a sucker for baby things, and would probably buy her EVERYTHING. Even Josh, who is sitting beside me, is like "I don't know what we should buy her! Everything looks so cute!" Sigh. Good things we still have awhile before she gets here. Oh by the way, if you haven't seen her baby room, it is so cute! I am totally going to hire Lindsey and Tabitha to decorate my future baby's room.

Monday, August 8, 2011

End of my Summer Days

You know what moment made me realize that Summer is slipping away...when J. Flood told me she was leaving to head back to school....Grr...A week from today I head back to college. Sigh. Then it will be back to getting up early, studying late, and having zero time or energy to do anything. I am not looking forward to the school part, but I cannot wait till North Murray starts back.  I really enjoy being in the classroom, trust me, it is way better then studying the history of history.

But for this week, I plan to relax.  Josh's parents left for vacation on Saturday, and Josh is house sitting.  He took a week off from work, because lets face it, his poor rear end needs it.  Until I go back to work on, Thursday, we are just going to lay out by the pool and be lazy bums.  Actually today we are going Ginja! I beyond pumped about this!

Also, I thought that with my crazy schedule that there would be no way I could work. BUT Lauren promised to work with my schedule. YES this means I will be able to get a couple dollars here and there that I desperately need. For those of you that are already ready, you know how expensive weddings can be. 

But I am not going to thing about money, wedding, or school for the next is just going to be me, Josh, and the pool.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

God Gave Me You...

There’s more here than what were seeing
A divine conspiracy
That you, an angel lovely
Could somehow fall for me
You’ll always be love’s great martyr
Ill be the flattered fool
And I need you

I heard Blake Shelton's new song yesterday while traveling back from David's Bridal. I am completely convinced that God created country music to put in words what my heart truly feels.  I am also completely convinced that God put Josh in my life for a thousand different reasons.  Here are just a few:
  1. Teach an impatient girl to be patient-Me waiting around on Josh is the story of our lives.
  2. Help me learn to trust people again-Slowly put surely I am learning that not everyone is bad.
  3. Love with my whole heart, not just a piece of it.
  4. Jim Carrey movies can be entertaining-I am usually not his biggest fan
  5. Re-doing a car can be somewhat interesting-shhh don't tell him that I said this!
  6. To be a child and to laugh.
  7. That God has a plan for us all, and there is no use and trying to guess this plan.  If you sit around attempting to guess his plan for you, you might miss all those small moments that makes life a bit more entertaining.
It is amazing how one person can teach you so many things. These days I honestly do not know what I would do without my baseball player.  Even on the days that  I could kill him, even on the days that he is the most aggervating person in this world, I would still rather be with him and be annoyed, then be at home alone. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Adventures of Sherika And Sophie

This past Monday, I dropped Sophie off at the vet to get her fixed.  Of course I stressed over it a little too much, go figure.  They asked me if Sophie bites.....Um I have you met my dog? She will probably lick you to death before she would ever dream of biting someone.  Okay so she did bite Ed one time, but he was shaving her. 
I went to pick Sophie up at around four, and she was still drugged.  When she heard my voice, she wagged her tail, and then fell back asleep.  Although I was worried about her, I found it hilarious that my puppy was drugged.
Yes my baby is sleeping while sitting straight up.
This is how she has slept the past two days.

Today, mom and I went to David's Bridal in Kennesaw to pick up the accessories to my dress.  While there, we ran by Petsmart to grab Sophs a few items.
Does she have a dress and bow? Why yes she does!

Sophie has issues with mirrors.  She is completely confused on if it is another dog or if it really her...of course I think that it is the funnies thing EVER!

Needless to say, I have one spoiled dog.