Friday, August 19, 2011

You know your best friends when you rush tell her things.

Josh and I are celebrating two years of being back together.  It is just something that we do because, we were pretty pumped about it.  We don't really get gifts for it, but I knew that he wanted a new button up shirt so of course I bought it for him and gave it to him.  He surprised me by saying that he had bought me a gift.  And I was pretty surprised when I pulled out my wedding band.  I know y'all are like "why did he get it so soon?" Well I have been asking for it since we got engaged, because it is the only one that fits perfectly with my ring. So I jumped for joy reached for my phone and texted Jordan, because she has heard my complain about it um since we got engaged lol.

A couple of hours later, my phone rings, I see it is Jordan, and I hear "Guess what?!?" I of course started doing my happy dance, because a I knew exactly what had happened! As she was telling me how it happened (which I am leaving out because it is her job to tell y'all not mine lol) she yells "SHERIKA! Your doing your nervous laugh!" Sorry but when I get excited a just laugh. I don't know why, but it is really funny.

So today has been full of excitement.  I cannot help but be as excited for Jordan's engagement as I was for my own, just like I was when Amy told me she was engaged or when Tabitha told me she was pregnant.  I cannot help but be just a little bit too excited for my friends when amazing things happen to them!

1 comment:

  1. I love you even though you do your nervous laugh!!! Haha! I probably should write a blog about getting engaged since I haven't written one in forever!!! Haha.
