Monday, August 15, 2011

Last First Day

Five years ago, I entered North College State and University as an 18 year old freshman.  Five years, two crazy roommates, hundres of papers/test/quizes, two student loans three major changes, a school change, and thousands of dollars later, I am FINALLY about to finish. 

Today was my last first day. Now I know you think I am going to be all sad and say how I don't wish that it will end...well that aint happening. Why? Because I am one of those few people who HATE, let me repeate, H-A-T-E college.  I know that everyone says "These are the best years of your life," but I am convince that they either didn't go to college, or it has been so long since they went to college that they forgot what it is really like.  It is just not my thing. Oh well. In less than 8 months I will graduate..and I will jump and down on one foot out of pure joy...don't believe me, you are more than welcome to attend my graduation.  I threatened not to go to graduation but mom said after the above mentioned thousands of dollars I HAVE to attend.

Anyways, I am now gulping down a Mocha Frappe from McD, because I am beyond exhausted...

I am seriously considering counting down the days till graduation (secretly, I have it on my phone hehe)

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