Monday, August 8, 2011

End of my Summer Days

You know what moment made me realize that Summer is slipping away...when J. Flood told me she was leaving to head back to school....Grr...A week from today I head back to college. Sigh. Then it will be back to getting up early, studying late, and having zero time or energy to do anything. I am not looking forward to the school part, but I cannot wait till North Murray starts back.  I really enjoy being in the classroom, trust me, it is way better then studying the history of history.

But for this week, I plan to relax.  Josh's parents left for vacation on Saturday, and Josh is house sitting.  He took a week off from work, because lets face it, his poor rear end needs it.  Until I go back to work on, Thursday, we are just going to lay out by the pool and be lazy bums.  Actually today we are going Ginja! I beyond pumped about this!

Also, I thought that with my crazy schedule that there would be no way I could work. BUT Lauren promised to work with my schedule. YES this means I will be able to get a couple dollars here and there that I desperately need. For those of you that are already ready, you know how expensive weddings can be. 

But I am not going to thing about money, wedding, or school for the next is just going to be me, Josh, and the pool.


  1. that sounds amazinggg. the pool and relaxing part. Not the actual stress of LIFE lol hope you guys enjoy it!

  2. That's a good call! Just know while you are laying by the pool, I'm working my butt off in my classroom. lol. This is what you have to look forward to future teacher ;)

  3. You and Josh and the pool, eh? Bow chicka wow wow...

  4. Kelly-Thank you!
    Tabitha-If it makes you feel any better we just worked our butts of cleaning
    Lindse-Well I don't know how to respond to you haha
    Jordan-I told you not to leave!
