Thursday, August 25, 2011


So yesterday we went to the hospital to see Blake.  We arrived with only 15 minutes left in visiting hours so of course my brother ran back there to see him. I don't handle situations like this vey so I volunteered to be the one to not go see him.  I knew his friends wanted to see him more.  He kept showing my brother how is teeth were messed up and worrying about if th doctor could fix it.  He also has a broken jaw that they will have to wire shut.  Blake has no idea what happened him to him.  He told Bubs "find who did this to me because I know I did not jump out of a vehicle or attempt to jump into one."  The last thing he remebers is being at the bar. 

While there we learned of a couple possible scenrios.  Apparently some girl came to get a group of frat guys. At first she told friends that she ran over someone. BUT when the police quetioned her she said he was throwing up and fell out of her truck, but that doesn't match up with his injuries.  Then she said he tried to jump in his truck and she didn't know it. So there are once again three different stories.  Either way, whoever did this CHOSE to leave his body laying in the street.  By the grace of God a young man walked out of the bar and called the police, which saved his life. 

I am really annoyed with people.  A young man attempted to tell my little Mason, yes the one that proposed to me lol, what "really" happened to Blake. Now I just said that they don't know yet. It aslo envolves Blake being drunk. Mason is Blake's cousin and has looked up to Blake his entire life. So yes I told the guy off. He said that he heard from a friend of a friend.  I probably went over board but I am extremely protective of both Blake and Mason, and I didn't think that this boy should be running his mouth.  Mason's mom and Bub's eventually told me that this guy is a trouble maker, seriously people do you have nothing better to do then to make up crap to a 14 year old boy about his cousin who is laying in ICU? People chap my ass.

For the most part, Blake is in good spirites.  He is on morphine so right now the world is perfect! He is a little upset that he couldn't find the Braves game last night and that he can't have his phone.  But as most of you know this is just the beginning of his long journey.  Once they cut the morphine and his jaw is wired shut he will be miserable.  His family just ask that you continue to pray for him.  We all make mistakes in life, and trust me Blake and his friends have learned from this one.  But I think that we shouldn't always remembers people mistakes, but how they rise from those mistakes.


  1. Ill be prayin for him . Is he at Dalton or Erlanger?

  2. HE is at north Fulton. He gets to come home tomorrow
