Monday, July 25, 2011

Wedding planning!!!

Save the Dates-Check
Honeymoon-an almost check

This past week was full of getting things done..THANK GOD! Monday Josh, Lisa, and I went to First Methodist Church to check things out.  We agreed that it was the best church us. 
Wednesday I planned on going to Prado's in Chattanooga to get the dress that I thought I was in love with...however, they were closed.  My mom was convinced this was a "sign" and her and my aunt Amy dragged me to Kennesaw.  Once there, they dragged me into David's Bridal.  I had a bad experience at the one in Chattanooga, so I was dreading this trip.  As soon as I walked, I ran to a dress on display, and told the saleswoman that I HAD to try it on.  Of course that is the one that I bought. 
Yesterday Amy, Ashley, and Jordan helped me assemble my Save the Dates.  I have no idea what I would do without them.  I learned that I am less bridezilla when I am with them.  They make me laugh when things go wrong.
I plan on booking the honeymoon tomorrow.  I finally found a hotel that we like and is at a reasonable price. Of all the wedding planning, this is my favorite.  I cannot wait to get of Murray County for a couple of days.  To bad that I have to wait another year.


  1. Congrats on finding your dress! Hope your wedding plans continue to be less stressful and less likely to cause bridezilla to arise. haha

  2. Thank you kelly! You are so sweet!
