Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This one is for you...

Today I sat in bed waiting for that infamous verdict to arrive.  In my mind, she was guilty, and if the jury was coming back that fast then of course they knew it too.  But apparently I, along with the rest of the United States, was wrong.  As I sit her in my bed attempting to study, the thoughts of that poor baby girl weighs on my mind, and I knew that I would never get any sleep until I spoke how I felt.  This is not a blog written from a mom's point of view, because clearly I am not a mom. However, I did lose one of cousins the first time their parents left me alone with them.  I had made Matt Matt and he thought he would run and hide from me.  Of course when I found him I was on the verge of beating him to death, but instead I grabbed him and cried..isn't this the response your are suppse to have?

Two things that many of you don't know about me: One, my original major was Political Science with a minor in Criminal Justice, ambitious I know.  What I wanted to do with my life was become a child advocate.  I knew that I would make little to no money, but the rewards were worth it.  I truly believed that I could be the voice of innocent children.  Two, while I was at North Georgia I worked for a domestic violence shelter.  While there, I helped sobbing mothers walk to the stand to tell how their husbands had abused her and children.  Mothers would do this knowing that when the went home, and their husbands learned of their wrong doings, they would pay the price.  But in their eyes it was worth it. If their children could get out of the horrible situation they would gladly lay down their OWN life.  I also talked with children about their home life, and would go home crying for what they had to experience.

So after these experiences, I am outraged at what the American Justice system decided today.  Clearly I don't know Ms. Anthony personally, but if the above mentioned mothers would do anything to get their children out of abusive situations, even if it meant they would die in the act, then how is that Ms. Anthony can sit there and pretend that she had nothing to do with her daughter's disappearance. Even if she did not kill her daughter, then why could she not have called and told the police that her daughter was missing!!! This is clearly what makes her look guilty.  This is what made the entire world deem her as a horrible mother. 

Being someone with a small legel background (okay almost non-existent, but while doing it I did it with my whole hear) it seems that one thing was forgotten...Caylee.  Apparently Casey forgot to be Caylee's mother.  Apparently her defense lawyers forgot to find out who really hurt Caylee.  Apparently the jury forgot that someone had to kill Caylee, and apparently they forgot that the only one person benefited from her being dead!

All I ask each and everyone of you...one don't forget little Caylee.  Remember when you see your kids or when you have kids.  Two don't give up on the justice system.  One day one of you will probably have to be a member of the jury, so if you do...fight for the victim.  Especially if for one moment, for one second you think the defendant is guilty.  That is the only way that the justice system can work.

And for those of you who wonder why I changed my major, well I couldn't leave the work at the office.  Each time I left those children I went home and thought about them.  I knew that it was not best for me at that time to attempt to defend them when I could not seperate my personal feelings from my work.   However, after this episode, I feel that maybe innocent children DO need someone who will defend them to the end.  Don't get me wrong, the Sate did an excellent job, they just picked the wrong jury.  So maybe one day, when I get everything settled I might find a way to help innocent children. 

1 comment:

  1. I hated to watch the whole case because there was so solid evidence. I would've hated to be on that jury because my heart would tell me she OBVIOUSLY had something to do with it, but what? Caylee did not get justice and it breaks my heart.

    I think the older we get we get a bit stronger. You will be able to find a way to help children because helping the ones you can will be worth it.
