Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Come together right now over me

Last night, as a stayed up late things to my freaking jaw hurting, I watched The Great Debt Debate. And I have a few things to say about that.  No I am not about to tell you to side with one party or another nor am I going to tell you to call your representative. 

Frankly I am annoyed.  I am sorry but do you (plural) mind getting of your high horses for all of ten minutes and make a COMPROMISE!  At this point I don’t care who is right or who is wrong, but someone (at this point anyone will do) needs to become a leader and get things done.  In six days, if someone does not agree then guess what? Yea our government shuts down.  That means millions of people will go without getting paid.  BUT the people who are refusing to compromise, they people WE elected, still get paid.  Does that seem fair? No I don’t think so.

Do you know what this reminds me of: divorced parents. When I was planning my senior trip to Mexico, my parents got into a huge argument over it.  My mom said it was fine for me to go with just my friend.  Daddy said that we needed supervision.  It took them weeks to finally agree. But before they agreed I was stuck in limbo.  I feel like both sides sitting on the Hill are refusing to make compromises, and at this point the American people are stuck in limbo.

Sigh.  I just needed to vent on this for a few minutes.  It really annoys that we are suppose to be the greatest county on Earth and yet we seem unable to agree on anything.  At this point all I believe that we can do is to pray to God for help and answers.

I will try my hardest to make this my last politcal blog.

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