Sunday, July 31, 2011

The ending

In the seventh grade Mrs. Stone made us do book reports. I never had a problem with this because of course I loved to read.  For one of the book reports I chose to read the first Harry Potter book (I think that since then they have banned them from school libraries,which I don't agree with).  I instantly fell in love with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.  The first book that I owned of the series was one that my bubby bought me.  After that, I made a point to own every single one of them.  There is a slight chance that I have read each book ten times, maybe more.  I cried when I read the last book, because I could not come to turnes with the series ending.  So yesterday as I sat in theater waiting for the last preview to end, I assumed I would cry.

But I forgot that Josh was sitting right beside me.  He had a million quesions, one being "does he die?" He asked me if Harry dies since the first time we watched a Harry Potter movie together.  I always answer, "Just watch." He finally got his answer, and no I am not saying what happens just in case someone has not seen it yet.  But it is still bittersweet that our favorite series has come to end. BUT we are going to Harry Potter World next year and I am freakin pumped!!!

On another note, yesterday I went swimming with Lindsey and her two beautiful children.  I am pretty sure that it is impossible not to fall in love with Greenleigh and Skyler, but there was one person who completely surprised me when he said that he thought they were pretty cool: Josh. Which in Josh terms it means that he loves them. After he saw them yesterday, he turned and looked at me "Hey did you see those kids? They are pretty awesome! We need kids like that."
Ummmm, did Josh just get baby fever?