Monday, November 28, 2011

That light at the end of the tunnel...

I have a week and half left in this semester!!! I am once again doing my little happy dance!

The past couple of weeks have been slightly entertaining. First we got to meet that precious baby Rayne. She is beyond perfect. Josh now has baby fever, it is so cute!
Second, I took Josh shopping for Christmas gifts. We shopped for SIX hours and only bought two presents...Never again!!! I wil soo go by myself from now on. Third, we had Thanksgiving. I am more of Christmas person, but Josh loves it. So like I previously said I baked an orange cake and two chocolate pies. Fourth, I hard an allergic reaction to the antibiotic for my tooth. Which of course caused me to have a panic attack bc I have never been allergic to anything!!! Bubby was always the one who was allergic to everything.

No I am patiently waiting for the end of this semester. Life will be so much more entertaining when I am not worried about finals.


  1. YAY Josh has baby fever!!! Now its time for yall to have a baby :) - well ok, right after the wedding since you already have your dress lol
