Monday, December 5, 2011


This weekend was pretty amazing! Although I have been studing for finals since Thursday, I took time this weekend away from studying.  Saturday I went with Mrs. Miller to look for her bridesmaids dress. Of course when she arrived at my house I rubbed her not-yet-present-baby bump. Then off to David's Bridal we went! This was by far the easiest shopping experience ever...why? Because Amy knew exactly what she wanted! And it look amazing on her! Now lets pray Baby Miller arrives as expected. If not, it will be okay, as long as she/he arrives safe and sound I will one happy girl (and Amy will be one happy momma)!

Saturday night I went to my future in-laws to watch the Ga game....we are just going to leave it at that...there is always next year.

Sunday was a full day of watching House (thank you Ed and Tabitha, Josh and I are addicted).  Of course I put of studying long enough and returend to it. 

I only have one final that I am actually worried about.  And when I realized I could not lose HOPE, I stopped worrying so much.  HOPE will also only pay for four more hours next semester, so even if I did lose it would not be that big of a deal. 

So today I am back to studying for the final that I have on Thursday...but of course life in general is WAY more interesting then Europe in the 20th century.

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